Chapter VIII

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Training and Truth 

When I got to the training grounds with Jenna, I saw Alina, in her blue kefta, being blow back by another Grisha

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When I got to the training grounds with Jenna, I saw Alina, in her blue kefta, being blow back by another Grisha. My eyes widened as I didn't have time to react before she landed on the ground and probably hit her head. I rushed to her side, along with two other Grisha females. "Alina! Wake up!" I yelled as I tried to shake her awake. When that didn't work, I used my powers to telepathically scream her awake. She opened her eyes and looked between me and the two other women. "You okay?" One of them asked as they helped her up after I took a step back. "I can't believe she just did that." "She's jealous of you being the Sun Summoner." "Who is? Who did this?" I cut them off and Alina looked at me. "Zoya." She said and pointed towards her. She was smirking at Alina. I clenched my jaw and moved towards her. "Zoya!" I yelled out, getting her attention. "Me and you. We fight. Right now." I said as I stood right in front of her. "You're so on." She said back and started attacking without another word. I simply moved out of the way on her first attempt. Now it was my turn. I got down on the ground, spun around and tripped her, making her fall to the ground as I stood back up. 

She quickly got up again and glared at me. She tried to attack me again, but I moved out of the way, turned around and swung my fist. It landed right on the right side of her face, making her turn around and bend over in pain. I smirked at my victory and turned around, wanting to go back to Alina. "Luci, watch out!" Alina yelled, but it was too late, I was blow off my feet and into a tree by Zoya. My back hit the tree, making my breath get knocked out of me. Jenna came rushing towards me as I took quick and short breaths to get it back. Once I had my breath back, she spoke. "She's jealous of you because you are General Kirigan's new favorite. She knows about your destiny with the General, as does we all. But she is particularly jealous." I looked at her confused before looking back at Zoya to see that she was being scolded by the trainer. "What were you thinking? Against the Sun Summoner and the Scarlet Witch?" I heard him say, making me smirk. But I stopped listening as I stood back up from the ground with the help of Jenna. One day. One beautiful day, I will get my revenge. I know it was just a small thing, but I'm a person that holds a grudge, no matter how small. 


The next day, in the morning, Sabrina had gotten me ready for the day. She told me that Alina and Aleksander went horse riding, so while I waited for Aleksander to return, I decided to train and work on my powers. I was in the training area all alone. I had set up a course for me to do, which included to shoot some straw figures that I had placed randomly across the area. I took a deep breath and started. I was flicking my wrists to figures, left and right, hitting them with everything I've got, making them explode into pieces. As I finished the last one, I got some hair in my face. I brushed it to the side, but something felt off about it. I looked down at my hair and saw that it wasn't it's normal brown color. My eyes widened as I saw that a red-orangey color had taken it's place instead. I left everything as it was, in all its chaos, and ran inside and up to Aleksander's room. I knocked, but no answer. He must still be out with Alina. I took a deep breath and opened his door and entered the room. I closed the door gently behind me and sat down in a chair that was placed in the corner of the large room that was decorated in dark colors. 

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees and I started bouncing my right leg up and down quickly. I was scared at what my hair means and I need to talk with someone. Aleksander is the only person I could think of to talk too in this moment. I don't think that any one else could understand my worries. Suddenly the door opened up, making me look up and meeting eyes with Aleksander. I quickly stood up as I realized that it was him and not someone else. He closed the door and looked at me shocked. But I could sense worry in him as well. "Don't worry, Aleksander. I didn't go through your things, I've just been sitting in that chair." I said and walked a bit closer to him. He nodded and I could feel him relax a bit. "Did you have Sabrina change the color of you hair?" He asked as he studied me. I shook my head. "No. That's what I wanted to you talk about. It happened while I was training and get better at fighting with my powers. And when I was done, my hair had turned red." He broke into a smile at my words, making me confused. 

"This is a good thing, Lucille. It means you're getting stronger." I crossed my arms, still confused. "I've read the entire book about you and further into the book, it says that the Scarlet Witch, no matter the color of her hair, it will turn red-orange as she grows stronger." I chuckled and held my left hand up, showing off my powers. "We might just stand a chance against the darkness then." I said, making him look down at his feet and grow silent. I looked at him confused and I felt my eyes glow red as I felt a huge wave of emotions wash over him. My eyes went back to normal and he looked up from the ground and back to me. "What just happened, Aleksander?" Now it was his turn to be confused. I scoffed and licked my lips in frustration. "I can feel emotions, so don't try and hide anything from me. I can also read minds. So either you tell me what just happened, or I can read you mind and find out." He sighed in defeat at my words. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone and please, don't be mad." He said as he grabbed my hands in his own. My hands felt so small in his large ones. 

I nodded, promising what he had asked of me. "I'm not a descendant of the Black Heretic, Lucille. I am the Black Heretic." 

A/N: HEEYYYYYYY!!! NEW CHAPTER!!! Hope you enjoyed it and I left a little cliffhanger at the end there... Oops? ANYWAYS,,, I had a math tests today and it was a big one, like from chapter 1 to 4 in my math book big. I hated it... so much... But, it's over,,, THANK GOD!!! On that note, love you all and have a nice day/night <3<3 

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