Chapter VI

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The Book of Scarlet Witch 

After my talk with the Apparat, I quickly hurried to back to my room

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After my talk with the Apparat, I quickly hurried to back to my room. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I cannot believe this. I'm Kirigan's soulmate. That must be the reason behind my attraction towards him. It's not natural. I've been chosen to be attracted to him. Does he know? It that the reason why he wants me close at all times? There is nothing natural about us together at all. I was pacing around my room. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Well, there really is only one thing to do. And that is to confront the Shadow Summoner himself. I stopped pacing, took a deep breath and held my head high. I grabbed the book, making sure I had the page about us ready to be opened, and then I walked with determination out of my room and towards Aleksander's room. I knocked on his door and a few seconds later the door opened up. I was met with Aleksander's covered chest, making me look up. Our eyes met and and I could feel myself melt right then and there. I quickly pulled myself together and walked into the room, without even asking him. 

"Not that I don't enjoy your company, but I must ask; what made you come here, storming into my room?" He asked as he closed the door and I laid the book onto the table and opened it on the right page. I pointed into the book and looked at Aleksander as he made his way over to me. "Did you know of this?" I asked with a lot of seriousness in my voice. He looked into the book and read it as I kept my eyes on his face, watching his reaction. He suddenly sighed and looked at me. "I did know of it, yes." I frowned and took a deep breath. "Is that the only reason to why you've been keeping me glued to you?" Please, say no. Don't let this be the only reason. "No, Lucille. It's part of the reason, but I also wanted to protect the most powerful being in the world. You haven't learned the full extent of your power yet. It would be dangerous to let you go off on your own." That was not the reason I've hoped to hear. I don't really know what I wanted to hear, but it wasn't that. I sighed and crossed my arms. 

"You could've told me, Aleksander. I have every right to know." He nodded and licked his lips. "I was planing on telling you. I just didn't know how and I wanted you to get settled here first. But it seems like you went to the library and met the King's Apparat. It was him who told you, wasn't it?" I stayed quiet, but nodded. He sighed once more and approached me. "I know you feel what I do, Lucille. This bond we have go both ways." He said and softly dragged the back of his fingers down my right cheek. Sparks went through my body as he stood close and did so. "We have a bond nobody else has and nobody ever will. Now, I understand if you want to take things slow, I'll wait for you. But please, don't run away from me, my love." His words twisted my stomach in the best way possible. I dropped my arms to my sides and nodded, making him smile. I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him, leaning my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. It sped up as I hugged him. I think he was a bit shocked, because it took a few seconds for him to hug me back. 

But when he did, he pulled me closer than I already was. And we stood like that for at least a minute. I was the one to pull away from it. I looked up at him with a smile and he looked down at me with the same expression. "You know how I'm supposed to have a kefta, right?" He nodded at my question and I continued. "Well, I just feel like seeing as I'm not Grisha, it would be wrong of me to wear it. So I had an idea for something else that the Fabrikators could make." He chuckled at my words and nodded. "Just tell me what you'd like and I'll have it made." I grinned at his words. "Thank you, Aleksander." He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ears and looked at me with admiration. "Anything for you, my Lucille." I blushed madly at his words, especially the part where he called me his. I bit my lips lightly and looked down at my feet. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before looking up at him again. "I have to present you and our Sun Summoner to the King tomorrow. You should get some rest before then." I smiled and nodded. "I agree." I said and then he suddenly started to lean forward. 

He planted his lips onto my forehead and gave it a light peck. I closed my eyes, enjoying the way his lips felt on my skin. When he pulled away, I smiled sweetly at him. "See you tomorrow, Aleksander." He nodded and I grabbed the book and left the room and headed back to my own. It was getting pretty late, so I decided to just head to bed. But I did sit in my bed and read a little bit in the book, trying to just find anything about my power. Until I fell asleep with the book in my hands. 

A/N: Short chapter, I know and I'm sorry. I just didn't want to drag out this day anymore than it has too. ANYWAYS, we got a little cute moment between Aleksander and Lucille in this chapter!! How do we feel about it? I wanted to make them kiss, but I thought that it was too early for that, so I decided on just a little peck on the forehead, something small yet romantic. Hope you're enjoying the story. I, for sure, am. Love you all <3<3 

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