Chapter XIII

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His Mother 

We made it back and Aleksander told me to go meet up with Sabrina and Jenna while he talked to Alina for a little

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We made it back and Aleksander told me to go meet up with Sabrina and Jenna while he talked to Alina for a little. I agreed, knowing we have to go forward with our plan. But before we separated ways, I created a telepathic connection between him and I. This made it possible for us to reach out to the other when we were far away from each other and communicate. And while Jenna, Sabrina and I were laughing about a joke Jenna had just told, I was called upon by Aleksander. "Lucille. I need you right away. Meet me at my room." I looked at my two friends with serious looks and put down my drink. "I have to go. I'll see you later." I said, not even giving them chance to respond before I walked away and rushed towards his room. As I was walking in the corridors, a male guard turned around the corner and we crashed into each other. "Watch it." I said and looked up to see Kaz. I smirked and he looked at me in shock. "No... It cannot be." He mumbled out. He recognized me. "Hello, cousin." I said with a cheeky tone. "Lucille." He breathed out in shock. "I thought you were dead." I shrugged and took a deep breath. "Well, here I am." I said back to him with a chuckle. 

However, I could clearly tell that he was no amused. "Lucille, where are you?" I heard Aleksander say through our connection. I took a deep breath and looked at Kaz. "See you around, cousin." I said and quickly left without another word. I soon made it to Aleksander's room and walked in without knocking. Aleksander turned and when he saw me, he let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry for the delay. I bumped into someone." I said, not mentioning my cousin right at this moment. I will tell Aleksander about him, but not at this moment. "Marie and Genya was attacked in the dressing room. Marie died. Alina was the target." Aleksander said, making my eyes go wide. "Holy fuck." I mumbled and crossed my arms. "We have a suspect in custody. I want you to come with me to talk with Ivan before we interrogate the man." I immediately nodded, letting him know I'm all in. "Let's go, baby." I said and we walked out of his room and Aleksander spoke to a guard. "Get Alina to my room now." He said and the guard nodded, running away to do just that. 

Aleksander and I continued to walk towards where Ivan, a Heartrender, were. We were in office talking with him, and getting caught up to speed with everything. After Ivan told us everything, we went back to Aleksander's room, expecting to see Alina in there. But she wasn't. "Alina?" Aleksander asked out, hoping maybe she was around or maybe in one of the other rooms in here. Aleksander walked into his bedroom and came back out after he didn't see anyone. I walked to the bathroom and saw nobody there. "She's not here." I said, making him sigh. "Can you feel any other presence than us here?" He asked, making me close my eyes and use my powers to scan the rooms for any other energies than ours. I could feel Alina's, but there was also some other here as well. It was dark and felt a lot like Aleksander's, but it wasn't his. "Alina was here, but there's another one that is a lot like your own. But it's not yours. I've only seen that with family members." I said and opened my eyes again. 

Aleksander took a deep breath and I could feel him get annoyed. "Baghra." He simply said, making me confused. "The old lady that teaches Grisha to control and use their abilities?" I asked, making him nod. "Also known as my mother." I chuckled in shock and licked my lips. "Well, shit. She must've told Alina about who you really are." I said as my eyes went wide. He sighed and nodded. "Knowing my mother, she has." Silence surrounded us for a second until he looked at me. "We gotta find Alina. I doubt she's in the palace though." I nodded and then we walked out of his room once more and out of the palace. We were walking around outside, looking for any sign of Alina. What was weird is that when I tried to search for her, using my powers, it didn't work. It was like something was blocking me out from finding Alina. I could tell Aleksander was getting annoyed. I couldn't even find Mal, who we were also searching for. "He's not here." A female voice suddenly said, making me turn around and seeing Baghra. 

Aleksander approached her little by little. "Who?" He asked, trying to make it seem like he didn't know she was talking about Mal. "The tracker. Yes, I know about him. And your little mission." I stayed back, watching as their conversation unfold. "What have you done with him?" Aleksander asked, dropping the act. "Disposed of. Along with your hopes of locating the Stag." I knew now that seeing as Aleksander had dropped his act here, there was no return in going back to normal. This is where shit will start to happen. "Oh, I always have hope, mother. Even you can't kill that." Baghra approached her son even more. "That isn't hope. It's greed. You would use Alina against the rest of the world." She said, making me silently scoff. "You mean against our enemies? Without me, there's just her. Standing alone. She is all that matters now, not me. She is the future. She is the one-" Aleksander was cut off by his mother. "Yes, but where is she? And why can't your little witch track her?" Baghra said the last bit as she looked at me. 

I clenched my jaw and walked forward, standing next to Aleksander. "Careful. You don't really matter now anymore either. And if you have put Alina in harm's way, or ever lay a finger on Lucille..." He trailed off as he approached Baghra and stood right in front of her. "...think about what I might do." Aleksander walked back to me and grabbed my hand. But then Baghra spoke. That doesn't mean it stopped us from walking away. "I'd wager you'd need a skilled tracker to find her now." I rolled my eyes as we walked away from her and once we were out of hearing range, I spoke up. "I know she's your mother and all that, but, she's kind of a bitch." Aleksander laughed at my words and shook his head. "You have no idea, my love." 

A/N: Heyyy! New chapter up! Hope you liked it and let me know your thoughts in the comments. I'd love to hear all your thoughts. Love you all and have a nice day/night! 

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