Chapter IV

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Kirigan and I were currently riding on horses towards the Little Palace

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Kirigan and I were currently riding on horses towards the Little Palace. He was on his trusty black horse and I was on a white one. We've been riding for a bit when I felt something was wrong. I stopped my horse, making Kirigan stop as well. "What is it?" He asked me as I looked around. "Alina. She's in trouble." I simply said, making his eyes go wide. "I know the route they took. Let's go." He said and then we started riding in that direction. We found Alina on the ground with some man hovering over her with an axe. Kirigan jumped off his horse and summoned shadow and made a blade with it. The man turned around looked at Kirigan for a second before he used the shadow blade to slice the man in two. I got off the horse I was on and ran to Alina. I pushed the other half of the man off of her and looked down and checked if she had any injuries. "You all right, Alina? Are you hurt?" I asked her as I helped her up onto her feet. "I'm fine. I'm all right." "The others will have fled now they know I'm here. You'll ride with us." He said to her and then we walked to the horses. 

Alina got the white one for herself and I was on the same horse as Kirigan, sitting in front of him. As we rode, he had his arms around me to be able to hold the reins. But they were a little extra tight around me and it gave me butterflies in my stomach. Perhaps I was enjoying this a bit more than I actually should. 


After a while of riding, Alina spoke. "Can we stop? Please!" She yelled so that we would hear her. "Why?" I asked back, enjoying my situation a bit too much. "My tailbone is killing me." She answered back and we decided to stop. We stopped by a tree that had fallen and Alina nearly fell off her horse and sat down on the ground. Kirigan got off our horse and helped me down, placing me gently on the ground. I smiled up at him as a thank you and headed over to Alina. "You all right?" I asked as I looked down at her. She was breathing heavily but nodded. She then got back up on her feet, but stood crouched over and tried to catch her breath. Then Kirigan approached, but Alina backed away in fear. I don't understand her sometimes. He held out a black handkerchief towards her. "For you face." He simply said and she grabbed it. She dried off some of the blood she had on it. He then went back to the horse and I followed. I was ready to get back on the horse and ride away. 

"What happened back there?" Alina asked. "Drüskelle. Elite members of the Fjerdan military trained to infiltrate deep behind our lines and kill or kidnap Grisha." "I meant how you sliced one of them in half from a dozen paces." I smirked at her words, enjoying this a bit too much. "Would you rather I'd used a sword?" Kirigan asked back, making me chuckle quietly for myself. I wasn't a person to talk all that much, I like to observe more. That's how you learn the things that can be useful in the future. "I don't know. Sorry." "It's fine." I watched as Kirigan stepped towards Alina again as he spoke. "There is matter to everything. Even air. Or shadow. Too small to see. The Cut is something a Summoner can do, but it requires tremendous skill. And I would only use it as a last resort. Like that ambush." Something told me that what he just said about 'last resort' was a lie. Now, I don't know if that was the connection we have speaking, or if it was my power to read people that told me that, but either way, it was definitely true. 

"Saints... Is this my life now? Hunted wherever I go." I'm fine with that life. I'd just slaughter them if they get in my way. "You get used to it." I smirked at Kirigan's words. I could tell that he said that from experience. "How did they even know about me?" "Your little light show in the Fold was visible from miles away. Whatever their original mission was, they must have diverted to find you. That's why you're traveling with us." I really like how Kirigan included me in the conversation. Makes me feel involved. "They're that scared of you?" Alina asked him with caution in her eyes. "I think they're more scared of you." Kirigan said back. And they continued talking. I sort of fell out of the conversation. That was at least until I heard my name. I looked up from the horse and saw Alina look at me. "You've been Grisha all this time, and you never told me?" She said with hurt in her voice. "I never told you because I don't know what I am. All I know is that I'm not Grisha. But, perhaps I'll find out more now with General Kirigan's help. He seems to know more about it than I do." I said and looked at him. He gave me a small smile and a nod.

"We continue to ride for the Little Palace." He then spoke and motioned for me to come to him. "Get on the horse." He commanded and I nodded. I started to go up and suddenly I felt hands on my waist. His hands. He was helping me up, but it cause a major blush on my face. Soon after I was seated, he climbed up and sat behind me. He pressed himself into my back and I could feel his breath on neck. "Please, call me Aleksander." He said lowly, causing a chill to go down my spine. I turned my head to look at him and we were inches away from each other. He also held a small smirk on his lips. I quickly looked forward again and saw that Alina was also back onto her horse and ready to go. "Let's go." She said and Aleksander rode off towards the Little Palace. The whole way, I could feel his breath on my neck. I don't know how much longer I can take the temptation of the Shadow Summoner. I have to find a reason for it. There must be some reason for my attraction towards him. A connection like this cannot be explained by something so simple like love at first sight. It just cannot be. 

A/N: Hi!!! Sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday... I went to visit my great grandmother so I didn't have the time... So today, you'll get a DOUBLE CHAPTER!!!! I just gotta read through the next chapter first lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be out soon. 

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