Chapter XIV

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Lies, Only Lies 

Soon after the little chat with Baghra, we made our way down to the basement where Ivan had held the suspect for a period of time

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Soon after the little chat with Baghra, we made our way down to the basement where Ivan had held the suspect for a period of time. As soon as we entered the basement, we were met with the face of Zoya. I mentally cursed her out, hating her for wanting to have my man. "Has he talked?" Aleksander asked her as we walked toward the man who was held captured. "A lot of lies. Ivan's with him." We approached the man and he looked up from his lap and saw Aleksander and I looking at him. I tilted my head as I recognized him. But I couldn't place it where I've seen him before. It was annoying me. "I've been swindled. Hoodwinked." The man spoke in a desperate tone. I smirked as I could sense that it was all lies. "My guards tell me that they caught you fleeing the scene of the crime." Aleksander said as he started his interrogation. "Yes, I followed them." "Who did you follow?" I asked him as I put my hands onto my hips shifted my weight onto one foot more than the other. "They come from the other side of the Fold. From the start, they seemed, just, a bit off to me, so when they left our stage, at the fete, I followed them to see what they were up to, at the time that I walked into that room, they were gone and... Saints, it was... unspeakable. So I ran. I..." The man trailed off, making me nod

So much of that were lies. Unbelievable. He dare lie to our faces? "How much of that is true?" Aleksander asked Ivan. "He did cross the Fold with the others. The rest were lies." You know what? I'm starting to like Ivan more and more. He appears to be useful and Aleksander seem to trust him. But I will not put my life into his hands, ever. Aleksander sighed at Ivan's words. He was annoyed, once again. "What? That's... No..." He started stuttering and looked back and forth between Aleksander and Ivan. "Your heart gives you away." Ivan simply said with a small smirk. "Do you know we keep records of everyone who crosses the Fold? For the winter fete, we had ambassadors from Kerch, Novyi Zem, the Wandering Isle, but you didn't cross with them, did you? No, you and your crew, you have another way." The man was shaking and breathing heavily. He shook his head, acting as if he don't know. "I don't know what you mean. I..." "He does." Ivan cut him off, making me chuckle. "I'm an entertainer. Oskar, Oskar Krepkov." Aleksander suddenly walked up to the man and grabbed his hand.

He pulled up his right sleeve and there was so many marks from crossing the Fold on his wrist that went up his arm. That's when it clicked in my head on who he is. The fucking Conductor. "Well, that is certainly entertaining. You are the Conductor, Arken Visser, are you not?" I knew I had seen him before. I saw him once in Ketterdam, smuggling Grisha to a "safe haven" where they could get away from the Little Palace and Aleksander. Yes, it was when I was a little girl, but I have an abnormal good memory. Aleksander took a few steps away from Arken as he talked. "You smuggle Grisha out of my palace!" He yelled and turned back to to Conductor. I smirked wickedly as I watched him yell and let out his anger. But as he yelled out, I could see, in the corner of my eye, Zoya slightly flinching. It wasn't much, but with my heightened senses, I noticed it quite well. I re-focused on Aleksander and his interrogation. "You help them abandon the war effort." "No. I deal in legal indentures. I don't mess with Grisha." I scoffed and tilted my head. "Another lie, my love." I said, not caring if Ivan and Zoya gets to know about our relationship. 

"I don't need her or Ivan to tell me." Aleksander started to say to the Conductor. "I had a spy. Nina Zenik. Ring any bells?" I smirked as I watched Arken's facial expression turned to shock and confusion. "Nina?" He asked and I crossed my arms, standing up straight. "Last report we had from her was that she'd be crossing the Fold with the Conductor and three rouges from Ketterdam. What their mission was, she didn't know. She was waiting to meet you all. Now, poor Nina... has not been heard from since. Might that have something to do with you, Mr. Visser?" Aleksander explained. I felt my stomach tighten at the mention of three rouges from Ketterdam, knowing that Kaz was one of them. I knew Aleksander would hurt him if I didn't say anything, so after this, I will have to talk to him about Kaz. The other two, I couldn't care less about, but Kaz... He's family. But that also depends on what Kaz plans on doing and if it will affect mine and Aleksander's plans for Alina. "No. I don't." Arken said, snapping me out of my thoughts. Aleksander looked at Ivan for confirmation and Ivan just tilted his head, telling him that it was the truth. 

"See? I don't know what happened." Then Aleksander spoke again. "My guess, you struck a deal with these three thieves to kidnap Alina Starkov. But you have a stronger relationship with a certain West Ravkan general who has notions of ruling his own country." He said as he walked around Arken. He touched Ivan's shoulder, signaling that he is to stand behind him with Zoya. Both of them were behind me as well. "So long as the Fold separates him from us." Aleksander stopped right in front of Arken and looked down at him. "So, you made another deal. You put on a disguise. And you played at being assassin." Suddenly the whole demeanor of Arken changed. He looked up at Aleksander through mean looking eyes. But it was really just a way to make himself feel better and less scared. I could see right through it. "That's right. The prize to bring her back to Ketterdam was a million, split four ways. But Zlatan offered me the same number to kill her. So, give me half that, I'll get revenge for you. I can get close to Zlatan." Is this bitch really trying to strike a deal?

What a dickhead. If he thinks Aleksander will agree to that, he will have a whole other thing coming for him. Aleksander looked to his side, signaling for Zoya and Ivan to get out. He then looked at me, silently asking if I wanted to stay for this. I nodded once and he turned back to Arken. "No. I think I'll handle that myself." Aleksander said and walked to me. I started walking with him as he summoned the darkness. "But I can help. Tell me how I can help." Arken tried to argue. "You already have." Aleksander finished and we walked out of the basement. That wasn't so bad. 

A/N: Hey! Sorry for this chapter being only interrogation... But it's storyline lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and love you all! <3 

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