Golden Cage | Platonic Task Force

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I finally finished it! Sorry for the delay and the writing that may not be quite what you wanted. Bonus: it has almost 6000 words if it helps!

(Strictly platonic)

(Half the task force does not exist in this universe)

"This is Y/N. She'll be staying here for the duration of the Kira case." L briefly introduced, Watari behind him carrying a few suitcases. You tagged along, subtly turning yourself so your face would be hidden by your caretakers frame. "I expect to see you treating her with respect as she is no mere civilian."

Looking at all the luggage the old man was carrying, you felt slightly guilty. If only you didn't pack all that just for a temporary stay. Tugging on Wataris sleeve, you whisper to him. 

"I can carry it."

Watari chuckled, fluffing your hair, to which you only huffed "It's alright, I'm not that old yet."

The others were slightly confused. They had received no prior information other than the emergency meeting L had called 5 minutes ago about coming down to the main foyer. Expecting more detectives or a suspect in cuffs, they were instead greeted with the arrival of a young girl, close to 14. 

Matsuda, however, like always, was cheerful and was smiling brightly enough to make up for the rest of the team. He waved enthusiastically, only stopping when Aizawa chided him about remaining professional. 

Not just a civilian? Did that mean you were a detective just like L? Or were you just an ordinary kid? Aizawa presumed the latter, shooting a harsh look to L.

"This ain't a nursery. We're running an investigation, not free childcare."

"I won't be any trouble." You bowed your head, avoiding eye contact, relieved your voice wasn't trembling. It was bad enough you came unannounced so suddenly, you couldn't help but feel like a nuisance. "I assure you."

The courage you had mustered to say those words astounded you. It would be a lie to say you weren't intimidated by all the police officers in the room. The one with the brown hair scared you, but you didn't know why, simply resolving to stay away from them all.

"Ryuzaki, is she a detective?" Chief Yagami asked, impressed with your polite manners, not knowing it was your fear of authority figures taking over. "Will she be helping us with the case?"

Well, this is awkward, you thought, staring down at the floor as L explained how you were staying with them because of the prestigious internship you had been awarded. 

You were a genius, but your talents were used in other ways.

"Let's go, Y/N. Your room is on the top floor." Watari snuck you out, knowing how you get around other people that aren't him or L.

"Thank you, Tari." You politely bowed, taking your room key, complete with a keychain with your name boldly written in calligraphy. 

Loading the suitcases onto a trolley, you helped Watari lug them to your room from the elevator. The place seemed like it was recently renovated and exhibited an expensive aura. Is it really alright for me to be here, you wondered, chewing your lip. Even the carpet looked too good for you to step on.

The door leading to your room was oddly fashioned. Beside the door, on the wall, there was a steel attachment like a mail chute with a flap. 

Once the last of the suitcases were brought in, Watari gently smiled. "If you need anything, ring this intercom and L or I will bring it up."

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