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Scott's POV

Now me and Vincent were in the middle of the crowd, dancing and yelling. I'm getting to meet a lot of new people, it seemed like everyone here knew the purple maniac. Either way, I was having a blast.

I saw a short and stout blonde girl approach Vincent, "Hey Vinny!" She chirped, "Haven't seen you in a while!"

He rolled his eyes, "Oh, hey Maylene."

After some small talk, she took a selfie with him, sticking out her lips into a duckface, along with a peace sign from her hand. "Oh, I am so gonna tweet this."

When she caught sight of me, she grew wide eyed. "Vinny! Who's your friend?" She asked, curiously approaching me.

"Oh, I'm PG," I said nervously, sticking out my bandaged hand.

She starred at it like it was alien and moved it out of the way. Unexpectedly, she hugged me. "Formality sucks," she commented and nudged closer to me and blinked her big lashes at me, "Don't you think so?" She began tracing her fingers around my chest.

"U-uhm, sure?" I stuttered, not used to random chicks becoming so flirtatious is a single meeting. Looking at Vincent with pleading eyes, I mouthed a 'help'.

Vincent did not waste any time getting Maylene off of me. "OK May, stop trying to seduce my friend and look for someone else," he growled territorially, "He's mine."

She removed herself from me and raised an eyebrow, "That's new."

He frowned, "Get outta here already."

She crossed her arms, "Jeez fine. But first..." she leaned towards me and before I could stop her, Maylene gave me a big, wet, smooch on the cheek.

I flinched when Vincent practically hissed at her. She backed off defensively into the crowd, disappearing.

I shook my head, then tried wiping off her saliva on my cheek. Vince began laughing at the lipstick stain on my cheek, "It, It won't e-even smudge!" He said between laughters. I began rubbing vigorously, only making Vincent cackle even more. Eventually, I just gave up and left it on my face, hearing a snicker from him every once in a while.

While we were walking and chatting, Vince suddenly stops, practically frozen. "Uhh, Vin-"

He puts a finger to my lips, "Shhh."


"SHHH!" I quiet down and he nods his head to the beat of the song that just turned on. It was slow and chilling, house music. Vincent's favorite. He sings along to the song, "You better shape up~ 'Cause you need, a maa-a-an~ And my heart is set on you~" I was astonished by how well he could play his vocal cords. His voice was almost totally different when he was singing, almost hypnotizing. Just like his regular voice...

"Hey I know these lyrics!" I remembered, "This song sounds different though."

He grins, "Yeah, it's a cover."

I found myself liking it too. It was incredibly catchy. If only I knew the person who sung this...

"Hey, my alcohol is starting to wear off," Vincent announces.

I nodded, "Me too."

He smiled childishly and pointed, "To the bar~"

I facepalmed myself, "Wrong way Vince."

He sticks out his foot and swings it around to the correct path, "Other way~"

Vincent's POV

I knew the drink I was giving him would change his feelings, but I'm sure he won't mind. I sure as hell don't mind either. I watched as Scott drinked up the tainted alcohol. He raised an eyebrow and smacked his lips, "Oh? It tastes sweet!"

I leaned back onto the counter, "Yeah, it's one of my favorite drinks."

He chugged the rest and slammed it onto the counter, "I want moar!"

I looked at him. His eyes were hooded and dialated, covering the orange. He had this sort of look that made it obvious he was tipsy. "Scott, that's not such a good idea. Do you wanna hang over?"

He stared at the cup in front of him, his sluggish thoughts trying to think. Scott finally sighed in defeat, "Ok, I guess it's not such a smart choice."

Woah, I never really saw anyone that could be drunk, and make the choice to stop any more drinks to flow in his mouth. He was responsible. Not to mention he could still think. A trait I don't very much have when drinking.

"Bartender!" I called, "Take these cups." He came and nodded about to pick them up. I raised up a hand, "In style."

The bartender grinned, his reddish brown hair was short enough to wear it didn't cover his vision and his practically yellow eyes pierced through. "Not a problem, matey," he confirmed in a voice that rumbled in his throat, but not extremely deep. He tossed up both cups, spun around and caught one on his elbow and the other in his hand only to toss them behind his back. As the mugs spinned in the air, his careful eyes watched like a skillful fox, ready to take advantage at the perfect moment. At the right time, he caught the handles of the mugs, bowed, and headed to kitchen to drop them off.

Scott stared in amazement, "How'd he do that?!"

I chuckled at his silly question, "He's a bartender, they know their stuff."

He crossed his arms, "I want to do that."

I combed back some of my baby hairs with my fingers, only for them to go back in place. "You can."

His eyes widened with hope, "Really!?"

I nodded and pointed to the bartender behind me with my thumb, "Yeah, he gives lessons."

Inspiration gleamed in his eyes, making me chuckle in amusement. He called the bartender and made arrangements. I was glad the bartender agreed with him. It would be interesting to see Scott bartend.

He fist bumped the air, "Nailed it!"

I gave him a thumbs up. I hope he doesn't forget it in the morning. Wait. Technically, it is morning.

Holy crapolee guys. Seriously, another 100 views? It's only been the next day! You peeps be spoiling me, like cray.

Well I don't have much to say so :P Thanks and Bye~

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