In the Bedroom

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Vincent's POV

"I don't have to be an kid to play video games!" I objected.

Scott gave me an unamused stare, "You're in your mid twenties."

I pushed the buttons on the controller vigorously. Pausing the game, I quickly gave him the finger and went back to playing my game.

He laughed, "Oh c'mon now."

"I'm not talking to you until you play Call of Duty with me."

"I don't want to."


I heard a sigh and felt him flop on the couch next to me. He picked up the controller, gave it a puzzled stare, and then asked, "Ok, how does this work?"

I grinned and leaned over to show him the controls.

Scott's POV

"Mwahahaha! I snipe all of these filthy peasants!" I heard Vincent cackling with achievement. We were playing online and he pretty much overpowered all of us.

My lip twitched in annoyance. We'll see who's a filthy peasant now. By now all of the players were raging over him. Why he wasn't kicked off yet, I don't know, but he needs to go down.

I managed to throw an unexpected grenade at him while he was in a tight space. Grinning at Vincent, I managed to see him spaz his hand in reaction and shriek along the lines of "Oh Fuck!"

Laughter erupted from me causing me to drop the controller. He began shooting me in the game for revenge, but I couldn't care less. I was laughing my ass off on his couch.

"Why you-" he began. Vincent stopped what he was about to say and smiled, "See why I like games?"

My laughter had already died down and I nodded, still chuckling to myself. I glanced at my watch and yawned. It was about 12 o-clock pm. After work, me and Vincent just went to his house. I didn't really notice how much time passed.

I decided I wasn't in a hurry to get home, so I'd just stick around here for a while. Not because I'm a free loader, but 'cause I just like spending time with Vince.

"I'm hungry." Vincent announces.

"Me too."

He nods and gets up from the couch, "Well said, I will go to le kitchen."

I was about to follow him, but something piqued my interest. I've seen Vincent's whole house except one room. Now if it was a torture room, it would be in his basement or something, so I wasn't worried about it scarring me. It was probably a storage room or something. Maybe a second bedroom. I thought for a moment. Then why would Vincent forbid it?

I checked behind me for Vincent. He disappeared into the kitchen. I took this chance to hurry towards that room. All I need was a quick peek, then I'd go back on my merry way.

I approached the white door. It was like every other door in the house, but I didn't get to see through this one. I took a shaky breath and layed my hand on the cold silver doorknob-

"What're you doing?"

The voice startled me, making me jump to face the voice behind me. It was Vincent. He stood in the dim hallway, his eyes glowing, with a cross look on his face.

I looked down and twiddled my thumbs in nervousness, "I- uh. I just-"

He gave a loud sigh, "No, It's ok. It's only normal to be so curious about it." He paused and hesitated. "Did- Did I ever tell you I had a daughter?"

My jaw dropped right there. This guy? This immature, fun loving , psycho? When? How? I thought he didn't like kids!

Another sigh, "Let's go sit on the couch."

.....kcuf eht tahw.....

"So I was dumb when I was a teenager, so I did a lot of girls." Vincent started, "Then one day, when I was twenty, one of my Exes came to me with a little girl that was about a year old. Now I didn't ever see this child, but seeing her mom made me feel so much pity for the kid. The mom obviously didn't want her, so I signed some papers and took her in.

"At first, I didn't know what I was really doing, but I grew to love her. I'd come back from work only for her to make me smile. Her affection only made me love her more and I couldn't imagine life without her." He gave a long pause. "She was about to turn 5 when she died."

His voice cracked at the last sentence. Then my sympathy for the man hit me like a ton of bricks. "I'm so sorry..."

He took a long deep breath. "It's been about 3 years since that day. She was killed, Scott. She was killed by a mad man and I hated him. I hated him with a passion. For a long time, I wanted him to die, but I learned now that I can't change what happened and It's just another bump in life that people experience." He gave a sad smile, "Life is a test, and I'm not about to fail it."

I don't what it was I liked about damaged guys. Maybe It's because I'm not one. All I really wanted to do right now was kiss the man in front of me, but I refrained. That was not appropriate... yet.

"You can go look at the room now," Vincent allowed, "I'll go set food."

I nodded and went to the room. I twisted the doorknob and wasn't surprised at what I saw. It was a little girls room. I could tell by the settled dust that it was untouched for years. A small flowery bed was in the corner along with a large desk, small enough for a little girl to draw on, with multiple crayons and drawings scattered across the plane. My little Pony toys and Barbies were surrounding an old wooden chest that I assumed was a toy box. This bedroom was adorable. I could see why Vincent would keep it. What I was surprised of was the small statured skeleton sitting against the wall in the corner of the room.

Mwahaha! I trolled you all with the chapter title.

Thanks and Bye~

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