New Job

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Vincent's POV

My eyes widened as I saw Scott leap for the bear, wrapping his arms around the animatronic's neck and using his weight to try to get him down. Without thinking, I quickly went for Freddy's arm and yanked him as hard as I could, sending him crashing the the ground.

"Help me hold him down and I'll restart him!" Scott shouted.

I was already on it, sitting on the bear's back and holding down his arms. Scott had to open something that was under my chest and on Freddy's back. It revealed a screen and multiple flashing buttons. I could hear the gears turning underneath me and smell the steam coming from it.

Scott pressed a few buttons quickly, leaving the bear to suddenly freeze up and go limp. I removed my hands from Freddy's arms and sat up on his back. We both sat there, exasperated with hearts pounding. Finally, Scott stood up and stuck out a hand to help me up. I took it and with a pull, I was up.

"Now what do we do with him?" I asked.

I saw Scott check his watch and sigh, "It's 6:04am. Let's just get him back on stage."

I groaned. This thing weighed a ton! Me and him dragged Freddy out of the office, taking breaks once or twice, then forcing him to stand up in the stage room. Exactly where he should stay.

I laughed, "We almost died!"

He sighed, still catching his breath, "Well, we're alive."

"I feel pretty lively, if y'know what I mean," I nudged him while wiggling my eyebrows.

"I'm walking home," He walked away from me, heading towards the exit.

"Hey!" I shouted, "Where you going? Come back!"

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I somehow convinced the man to allow me to take him home. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't stay and chat at his house. I had work to do, so I simply dropped him off.

Now I was on my way to my next job. I had already suited up in a suit and a bullet proof vest. I was meeting my next... Well I wouldn't say boss. I was hired for another job, and I was meeting the person who needed the job done.

I drove up in a parking lot that was close to the headquarters of a famous Mafia, known by many, seen by few. It was still morning, so people were either asleep, or heading towards their jobs. I slipped into an alley way and looked for a familiar grey door.

When I found it, I gave it a knock only for a frail old man to answer. He was skinny and he hunched over with a long grey beard and thick silver eyebrows. He recognized me immediately and ushered me inside.

"Top of the morning," he greeted me in an irish accent, "What ye need?"

I handed him a slip of paper and he took a moment to get his reading glasses and look at it. He only nodded and beckoned me to follow him. He lead me down an old hallway that had chipped paint and stains in the walls. It wasn't any better that it smelled like this place was rotting for half a century.

We ended up in a cramped room that had many cleaning supplies in. The old man went to a corner of the room and peeled carpet back, revealing a door on the floor. I gave him a nod and opened the hatch myself. There was a ladder to go down from that lead deep underground. This was one of the many entrances to the lair that I was about to enter.

Taking a deep breath, I hopped down onto the ladder and made my way down. As I moved foot after foot, I heard the clinking from my shoes echo down the concrete tube I was going down. How'd they build this, I don't know. As far as I know, these were old, forgotten, passage ways used in World War 2 that the Mafia took advantage of.

After what seemed like an hour, the ground opened up and I finally reached the ground. I heard voices and music down a long concrete hallway that stretched out in front of me. I brushed myself off and walked confidently through.

I reached a giant room filled with people, lots of strippers and whores, and a bar. There was a stage to the left of the room where women in almost no clothing danced, along with tables and seats filled with men. To my right there was a bar also with tables and chairs full of people.

I went straight to the bar and took a seat at a lone table. Not long after, I see a man approach with a large suit case. He was a typical white person and wearing a grey suit. He had styled dark hair and a sneer that made him look like a baron. He took a seat at the table and laced his fingers together.

"Ahh, The Purple Man, I've heard a lot about you, sir," he began.

I nodded and shook hands with him, "It's nice to meet you." I knew he was the son of one of the richest men in the world. Robert Wilson. His son, who was in front of me, would pay well with the amount of money he has.

The man had a gleam in his eyes telling me exactly what he was up to. Greed. "It is an honor Mr. Langdon. Would you like a drink?"

I knew he wanted something big from me if he was referring to me by my last name and offering me a drink. I shook my head, "I have to be driving after this."

"Suit yourself." He called one of the maids for one for himself, and then filled me in on what he wanted. "I'm sure you know my father well, correct?"

"Mr. Wilson? Yes." I felt like I knew where he was leading me too. I knew his father well. The man had a liking for me and I used him to buy things that you couldn't really get online. Of course, I haven't for a while, but we gained a trust bond.

"Let me tell what I want from you Mr. Langdon." He leaned closer into the table, as did I, and whispered, "I want you to kill him."

I chuckled, "Jarrod, you greedy dog, you. That's a lot to ask from me, don't you think?"

"I'm offering a quarter of my father's money."

I raised an eyebrow. That was well over a billion dollars! Maybe 10! I could possibly retire... if I wanted to.

I crossed my arms. "Go on."

He continued, "He is giving everything to me in his will and... I'd like to have it by this month."

I shook my head and grinned, "Now you can't think I can do this without any cash in my hand."

He nodded, "I came prepared." He pulled out a brown suitcase and opened it. Neatly stacked Franklins filled the suitcase. I picked up a wad and looked through it. These were genuine 100 dollar bills.

He continued, "I've heard about your... abilities, so I thought you were well fit for this job."

"What have you heard?" I asked, having my attention back.

"Your ability to be unscathed, the hallucinations you cause to victims, the way you disappear into the shadows. I love it. That's why the rest of my money is in my car. You get half of it now, and when your job is done, you get the rest."

I can easily make this into a smooth job if I needed to, but what bothers me is that this guy had to talk to a lot of people to find out this much information. How many people has he told his 'plans' to? This money would be amazing though. I could retire, get a normal job with a normal life. I'd have to move though, away from Scott. I'm not sure. Should I take this money?

".....It's a deal."

How do ya guys like his last name? I tried to think, I really did, but I came up with this. I like it at least.

And Mafia drama! Ahhh! Hard isn'(t it) Vincent? Hah! Got 'em! Sorry, I'm feeling a little weird. Do you guys know Boku no Pico? Yeah... Dude what the actual fucking fuck. @.@ Just... Fuuuuck.

Thanks and Bye~

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