At the Bar And to Work

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Scott's POV

As I entered The Hen's Tooth, I was rushed with a warm cozy feeling. That's why I liked this bar. It looked like a cabin in the woods, but a bar. There was even a fireplace to my right side.

I looked to my left to see a specific beanie fag sitting at a table sipping on a mug of beer. I approached him and took a seat across from him, resting my arms on the circular wooden table.

He saw me and gave me a smile, something he won't give out too easily. "Scott! Man, I haven't seen you in a while!" His icy blue eyes gleamed with happiness. Although he wouldn't admit it, I'm sure missed me. "Where the fuck is everyone else? I thought I was late!"

Mike was a brunette, but he always cut it army style. He never really cared much of his hair, which is why he wore beanies all the time. His square jaw gave him a tough look, and his bad attitude made him a hard person to like, but if you got close enough to him, he was a big softy. You should see him and his girlfriend, Doll, interacting.

I give him a confused look, "It's only 8:54."

"I was told to come at 8:30."

I gave out a snort. They would do that to him. Mike often comes late as hell, so they always tell him something different. "I don't know," I laughed, "I was told to come at 9 o-clock, just like everyone else!"

He narrowed his eyes, "What fucking assholes."

Just then, Steven sat at our table. Steven was an Asian American, but I'm pretty sure the Asian part of him was Korean. Since he was just weird, he had long hair that reached his eyebrows, but here's the catch. His hair roots were a deep scarlet red color while the rest was jet black. He had small hoop gauges, but they fit him pretty well. He got those in college. He claims that his mom and dad escaped from North Korea somehow, but I hardly believe him.

"Hey guys!" He greeted us.

Mike greeted him with a slug to the shoulder, "Why the hell did you tell me to come so damn early!?"

"Why are you getting so worked up? Slacker!" Steven grinned.

They stopped for a moment and burst out laughing. Seeing them so happy made me laugh as well. When the laughter died down, I asked, "So are we just waiting on Keith?"

Steven nodded, his brown eyes sparkling, "I heard he was going to bring a special something with him."

Just then, I saw Keith go through the entrance. He rocked a blonde fohawk and had light brown eyes. He was the shortest of all of us, reaching the height of 5'8'', but could beat us all in an arm wrestle. Despite him being even tempered, he was more of a rooster than Mike. Mike was just an ass. Keith often picked fights with random people just because he felt like it, but that was kust him when he was really drunk.

He saw us and gave us a smile, but went and ordered some alcohol first. We hooted and hollered for him to come over until finally he took a seat at our table.

"Hi Scott! S'up guys! How's life?" He had a deeper voice than most people and the ladies loved it.

We all nodded and said stuff like "Pretty good" and "Nice".

"More importantly," Steven spoke up, "What's happened since we last spoke, huh Scotty?"

Keith gave me a look like he needed to know. I sighed, "Remember the Newbie I was talking about? The one that came about a month ago?"

"Yeah, the purple guy?" Keith said.

"Yeah, I've met him. He's ok," Mike mentioned.

I held my breath, then spoke, "We're dating."

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