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Scott's POV

Did I have too much to drink? Why was I feeling like this? I squirmed in my seat. Vincent gave me a concerned look, "Hey Scott. You ok?"

I stared at him. His eyebrows furrowed, his clean purple skin, his long hair that I wanted to stroke my fingers through. Maybe I shouldn't have drunken as much as I should have. My body and mind told me to smash my lips against his. I felt heat rise up to my face at the image that popped up in my head. However, there was a little part of my still conscious mind that told me to get away from him. I really didn't want to.

"I uh, I'm fine," I excused myself, "But I need to go to the bathroom!" I dashed away from him, trying to get any thought of him away from my head.

I found myself in the middle of a crowd. Now that I think about it, I didn't know where the bathroom was. I sighed. I would just have to settle with going outside to pee.

I felt a hand fall onto my shoulder. Startled, I turned around to see Vincent's white smile and hooded eyes. "You don't even know where the bathroom is, you dingus." I froze, feeling fidgety around him. He held my hand and pulled me to the bathroom after he knew I had nothing to say. It wasn't far from the bar.

After I used the restroom, I came out and saw Vincent leaning against the wall. He gave me an irresistible grin. My face flushed red and I looked away, trying to hide it.

He walked up to me and I flinched when his hand touched my chin. He slowly turned my chin to face him, my eyes meeting his. "What are you trying to cover?"

I melted into the wall, right there and then. Everything went numb and all I could see was me and him, the vast emptiness around us. His face was inches from mine and I could feel his warm, humid breath hit me. What do I do? Should I leave before it escalates any further?

Vincent's POV

He looked completely helpless in front of me. Guilt suddenly showered me. I drugged him. Sober him wouldn't want this as much as I did. Who knows, maybe the alcohol is effecting me too. I shouldn't be doing this. He was... my friend. I can't do this.

Suddenly, he pulled my tie and smashed his lips on mine, nearly giving me a heart attack. He shouldn't have done that, because now I was kissing back with the same force. My hands slammed on the wall in front of me as Scott pulled me closer. His hand was on the back of my head while the other was on my shoulder. I brought one of my hands to his side and felt him shiver with my soft touch as I ran my fingers up and down.

He gasped for air, and I took this chance to invade his mouth. He didn't fight it and let it happen, slipping in my mouth as well. Our tongues danced as our bodies moved together.... until we were interrupted.

I heard a door creaked open and when I removed my mouth from Scott's and saw Maylene, I realized this was the woman's bathroom.

I glared at her, then licked Scott's cheek, earning a groan from him. I growled territorially, "Mine! Got it?"

She gave me a look of shock, but changed her expression into a smirk. "You do know this is the lady's room, right?"

Scott exclaimed, "Wha-What!?"

"I don't give a fuck." I abruptly said, not caring if I sounded dumb.

She laughed, "If any other woman walk in, you're going to make them drop dead with nosebleeds!"

I rolled my eyes, "Can't you just leave us alone?"

She looked at me like I was offended, but grabbed some toilet paper and left.

Glad she was gone, I laid my lips back on Scott's mouth, nibbling on his bottom lip. "Vin-Vincent..." he breathed, "I'm embarrassed..."

"It's ok," I said in a low voice, breathing on his neck, "That won't stop me." I was not moving from this spot even if someone could possibly be taking a shit behind me.

He stiffled a moan as I began to nibble on his neck, avoiding to leave any bites or hickeys. It wouldn't be a good idea for him to remember this. I found his sweet spot where his collar and neck met and he gasped. I smirked under my kisses when he squirmed and whimpered as I gave that spot extra attention.

I wish I could say that I didn't care for anything, but this moment. I can't say that though. What if he woke up and remembered everything? I guess I would just have to wait and find out.

Scott's POV

I snuggled up to something warm that was in front of me. It was a nice feeling and I didn't want to leave, until I noticed that familiar wine scent.

My eyes shoot open and I fling myself backwards, scrambling to get off the bed. A purple figure was laying under the sheets of a large bed. He let out a groan and turned around. Vincent faced me and I could tell by his peaceful face, lips slightly parted, and deep breathing that he was still asleep.

My heart was pounding and when I reached my hand to feel my heart beat, I felt that I was shirtless. My heart practically stopped for several seconds. What the hell happened last night!?

I tried to reclaim the fuzzy memories, but everything was a blur. I remember the party, I remember that one girl. What was her name? Marly? Maya? Ugh, and I remember that I drank a lot. When I recalled the alcohol, I suddenly felt extremely nauseous. Good thing Vincent kept a trashcan in his room.

I crawled to the trash and threw up in there, lurching my body as I kept gagging. When I raised my head out of the trashcan and wiped my mouth with my arm, I saw Vincent smirking at me, "You ok?" He purrs with sleepy eyes, "I've got some alkazeltzer if you need any." I couldn't help but to look at his body. I stared at the curves and grooves of his pecks and arms. He had an unbearably sexy body.

I snapped out of my trance. "What the hell happened last night?" I spat, demanding to know.

He raised an eyebrow, "What do you think?" My heart dropped. I didn't, no way. I didn't let him... let him... do that... Did I?

He sensed my distress and told me, "Don't worry, when we got to my house, you undressed yourself and flopped on my bed." He shrugged, "I didn't want to move you, because you looked so damn peaceful, so I just crawled in and passed out as well."

I analyzed his face. He seemed sincere enough. It didn't look as though he was lieing, so I sighed in relief. Images ran through my head, dancing, cheering, joking around. I chuckled to myself, "Last night was pretty fun, huh Vince?"

He gave a perverted grin, "They can be funner with women."

I threw a pillow at him and joked, "Oh shuttup, you dog."

He only shrugged, "Gotta love the ladies!"

I began to yawn, but was rudely interrupted by a pillow hitting me square in the jaw. Oh no, he didn't. I narrowed my eyes at him, making him snicker. Challenge accepted.

Yeah, it's been more than (quote) "a chapter or two." I'm sorry, I just feel so inspired and love the feedback I'm getting (:D it makes me wanna post like (another quote ) "twentie times a day." I've been uploading two times everyday, but that will stop soon as you dope ass a/n readers know.

Anyways, Thanks and Bye~

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