I'm Sorry

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Vincent's POV

It was Monday. I had to work soon. I had to see Scott again. I haven't cared so much for a person for so long. I want him to be in my life.

I looked in my mirror. What I saw was a man, getting through life. He does go through extreme measures to get through, but that's just the evil that some people have. I knew I was not like others, mentally. I enjoyed watching people suffer and humans are like cattle to me. Just more prey. Lower than I. I touched my cheek, stubbly darker purple hair poking my fingers. I'm a disgusting beast and Scott knows that. That's just the thing that I need to hide, just like every other mortal. Everyone has something to hide, big or small.

Adjusting my work tie, I sighed. I want him in my life, but could that happen again? I grabbed the few things I needed and exited my house, locking any doors I passed.

I hopped in my Acura, revving up the engine and turning up music to drown my thoughts. Relaxing, I let the slow electronic music seep into the cracks and crevices in me. Music really did help calm me down, that's the reason I installed nice speakers in this car. With the music blasting, I pushed the gas petal and went on my way to work.

----.nwod teg ot tuoba s'tihs ,doG Oh----

Scott jumped when I entered the office. "O-Oh Vincent... You're quiet."

My full first name. A small detail, but still a bee sting. I gulped, was I that scary? I didn't say a word, only nodding in acknowledgment. I sat on the spinny chair, pulling up the iPad. Work just started, but this was a Monday. They don't move for hours.

So we sat there, silent in the office. Everytime I looked at Scott, he would panick and look away. He wouldn't dare make eye contact.

Finally, I said something, "Am I a different person now?"

Scott blinked. "What?"

I looked at him, trapping him in my stare, "Am I a different person now."

He broke eye contact and muttered, "No..."

I got up, "Then why do you look at me like that?"

"Be-Because... you...," He stuttered.

"Scott..." I said, "This is why I never told you. Why are you scared?"

He couldn't help but to look away from my eyes, "You're a murderer. You-You have the guts to kill human beings. You-"

"Why do you act like I'm going to hurt you!" I interrupted. He froze, staring into my eyes. "It's like you were never my friend, like we never kissed, like nothing happened but that you found out some random guy was killer! I would never-" I stopped when I realized a tear rolled down my cheek. My heart skipped a beat. I looked away. I wasn't going to cry my eyes out in front of him. "I would never hurt you...," I whispered.


"There you go again," I mutter, "You don't love me anymore. I know, I'm terrible."


More salty beads of water left trails on my face. I looked down so I could hide my face. He can't love me anymore. He is afraid of me. This hurt more than any stab in the side. Now if only I could heal just as quickly.

"Vince!" He layed a hand on my shoulder and shook me. I looked up to see his furrowed eyebrows and determined grey eyes. "You are not a bad person. I know that. But you forced a bomb drop on me by not telling me this."

I shook my head, trying to look away from him. Scott continued, "Despite you being a murderer, I still love you. So cut the bullshit and be my Vince again."

I raised my eyebrows. Is he accepting me? He's not going to run away? He made a deal, "So please forgive me, and I'll forgive you."

I sniffed and nodded, embarrassed of my childishness. "So, can we at least be friends?" I asked cautiously.

He gave me an 'are you fucking kidding me' face and slid a hand to the back of my head. Our lips met, and my heart beated faster. No one, has ever made me feel like this, and I liked that feeling. So, I kissed him back, but separating shortly after. I surprised myself by hugging him, holding him tightly in my arms.

"Please, don't ever leave me."

He smiled and petted my hair, "I won't Vince."

.....__ydaerla gnikcuf eht ot teG__.....

I felt embarrassment flood me after work. I was sobbing and clinging to him like a child. Almost like I was the bottom bitch or something. Pffft.

We held hands as we walked to the car, happy with each other. Scott then asked a question I was praying to avoid.

"So you've heard of the 5 missing children incident, right?"

I felt myself tense up. "Yeah?

"Where you involved?" He asked seriously.

I hesitated. Was the same cycle going to happen?

"Don't worry," Scott reassured, "I won't call the police or the fireman. "

I sighed with admittance, "Yeah. It was a job I was given."

"They were children."

I was quiet. Then I explained, "I was younger... and angrier at the time."

He shook his head, "That explains why the animatronics have been acting different when you came."

I opened the car door for him and he happily sat in. I hopped in and turned on my car for blasting music to scream in our ears. We both yelled in usion with surprise and I fumbled desperately to turn down the music. After I did, I rubbed my ears in relief. Then I laughed, "I forgot to turn down my music before turning off my engine!"

When Scott realized what happened, he laughed too. I liked things better this way, but I'm scared of what could happen to the both of us. Naturally, dating a hitman could get you involved in his problems. Scott could get hurt. I wonder if he knew that.

Omg guys, I have to find out what other plot I should do XD God, story of my life! Anyways, heres a little something for you :) All for you :D Now I have to eat because I haven't eaten in 10 hours. :I yeah, I woke up like 6 hours ago. I better eat.

Thanks and Bye~

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