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Vincent's POV

We ended up going back to sleep.I probably went to sleep for about an hour until I began hearing noises again. I tried to keep sleeping, but the noises in my house was distracting. I tried to cover my ears, but the they continued. I rolled over to try to get comfortable, but still couldn't block the noise enough. After rolling around and fidgeting for a little, I realized that I was alone in the bed. A panicky feeling weld up in my chest. I felt like something bad was happening.

I jolted up from bed and ran out of my door, down that hallway. No one was in the kitchen. Soon, I listened and found out thumps and crashes were coming from my garage. I ran towards my garage and flung the door open. What I saw was something I hoped would never happen.

Scott was on the ground, bloodied and beat up, while 3 black hooded men stood over him. One had a driver raised over his head, and in a frenzy, I immediately tackled him down, away from Scott. As soon as I was over him, I began to beat the absolute shit out of him. He wasn't going to come to my house, and beat up my boyfriend, and expect to get away with it without me mauling him first.

I was eventually thrown off. I rolled away and prepared to be pounced on. At last minute, I saw one of the men go straight for me, but I quickly counter attacked by tensing up and stick out my elbow just in time for his face to smash against it. Unfortunate for me, I felt pain surge up my arm.

I ignore it and immediately switched to using my left arm, now that my right arm was practically useless. Scott was up and fighting again, making me slightly proud, but I didn't let that distract me.

I scrambled up to face two of the men. They were wearing hoodies and had covered their faces with bandannas. One of the men was holding their jaw and glaring at me with an unkind manner. Two men verses one purple guy. Seemed like a fair fight.

My hands found a shovel that was behind me, I grabbed it and swung it towards their heads. The injured man got away on time, but the other one was hit on the side. It caused him to give out a yell of pain. As I was recoiling, the jaw man lunged for me and nailed me in the cheek.

Suddenly, a gun shot was heard and it all grabbed our attention. Scott was shot in the leg, causing him to collapse. In a rage, I swung my shovel to the man with the gun. Thankfully, it hit him and he went limp. I quickly hopped to Scott's side, snarling at the last two men. They were about to pull out their own firearms, but I chucked the shovel at one of their legs. I went immediately for the other man, then in all the chaos, I was shot in the shoulder. I gave a sharp inhale at the sudden pain, but it wouldn't stop me from hitting the other man. We rolled and tumbled on the floor until we got in reach of the man who was hit by the shovel. I was then hit in the head with the shovel. Black dots began to fly everywhere and fill up my vision, but I wasn't about to give up. I grabbed whatever flesh that was in front of me and bit as hard as I could. Screams were heard and I couldn't handle anymore. I blacked out.

....^^* deneppah tahw ,gmO *^^....

I was humiliated. They caught me, I couldn't protect Scott, and I was trapped here. There was a fuzziness in my mind that I couldn't get rid of, and it prevented me from using any of my 'persuasion' skills. Someone would always come to feed me, but I always was behind a glass and bars. I glared at any one who came to feed me and I could feel them squirm. That's why the visits were the most amusing in my everyday life now. What I couldn't get out of my mind, was Scott. What did they do to him? Where is he? I know why I'm here, but why him?

I realized throughout the days what the fuzziness in my mind was. Why else would my feeders come and watch me eat so closely? I was drugged. I began refusing any water or food they would provide me. I needed my hallucinations to get me out of here, and I would need to sacrifice some things for it.

"Why aren't you eating?" A man asked when I first didn't eat my food.

I smiled, "This food isn't quite etiquette. Would you want to eat it?"

He stared at me. "Eat it."

I laughed and shook my head, "Why don't you?"

"You better eat it or I'll-"

"Or you'll what? Beat me?" I gave a low chuckle, "Oh please, spank me Daddy~"

He recoiled, giving a disgusted look. I couldn't help but to laugh loudly, earning a lot of disapproving shouts. I couldn't help it. If this is the way they were going to treat me, I'll bring out this side of me. I kept laughing, and I let everything flow into the laughter. My pain, my loneliness, my regret, my anxiety, my panic, everything. I laughed and laughed because it was the best way to get it out. I had no people to kill, none to love, no one to talk to, so this is how was going to be. I laughed until my vocals grew raspy and throaty. Until my throat was stripped raw. Until I was shot with a dart. What was happening to me? I don't know, but I was going to escape, and find out where Scott was.

My world faded into a deep calming darkness that I haven't had for a while. Relishing it, I let it overcome me. I'll find you Scott, and I'll get you out, whether you still love me or not.

Holy crapola! FIVE THOUSAND FREAKING VIEWS!!! I have to say thank you so much for your love and support, it got me this far. So give yourself a pat on the back for all of your effort, 'cause you helped get me this far!

Also, how do you feel about this chapter? Fricken crazy man...

Thanks and Bye~

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