Game Developer [11.17]

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Chapter 162

He Lang asked Jing Yang, "Would you like to see him?"
Jing Yang said, "It's nothing to look at, but I'm curious to hear what he has to say."
"Let him in." He Lang said to the secretary.
Jing Yang said to He Lang after the secretary left, "Return to your own office; I'll meet him alone."
He Lang remained silent as he awaited the arrival of Xi Guangshan.
When Xi Guangshan entered, the first person he saw was He Lang, who was standing, followed by Jing Yang, who was sitting. When he realized He Lang was also present, he was taken aback.
"Mr. Xi," He Lang took a step forward and extended his hand to greet Xi Guangshan.
"Mr. He," Xi Guangshan said, shaking his hand.
"You go first." Jing Yang told He Lang again.
He Lang gave Jing Yang a quick glance and said, "You guys talk, I'll go up first."
Jing Yang stared at Xi Guangshan as he sat down across from him and asked, "How can I help you?"
Xi Guangshan presented Jing Yang with a heavy document and said, "This is the Xi family's current property, containing the plot of land and the old mansion certificate. They are all there. Those taken by Xi Rui may take some time to return, but they will all be given to you. I only want my current residence and a portion of the deposit."
"What do you mean?" Jing Yang gave the document a quick glance but did not open it.
"All of these items were left by your grandfather. When he was alive, he hoped to leave these items to you. I'm merely carrying out his last wish." Xi Guangshan's face was expressionless, and his eyes were dimmer than usual. "I used to be totally wrong and ridiculous. I'm not compensating you with these because they were initially intended for you by your grandfather and hence cannot be considered compensation. I owe you, mother and son, a debt that I will never be able to repay. For the rest of my life, I would work hard to repay you."
"I only want that old house. It's something that only the Xi family's blood can inherit. It's also something my grandfather hopes I'll be able to protect. I'm not interested in anything else." Jing Yang said.
"Other items are those that your grandfather wishes to be inherited by no one other than you, therefore you should take care of them. If you don't want it, you can donate it or do anything you want with it."
"There is one thing I think you should be aware of." Jing Yang made the decision to tell Xi Guangshan the truth regarding Xi Le's paternal grandparents' car accident.
"Speak." Xi Guangshan's heart was numb, and no matter what Jing Yang said, he thought he won't feel it much anymore.
"I discovered that my grandparents' car accident was the result of a scheme planned by Wen Zhu, Du Jie, and Cao Rutang." Jing Yang said.
Xi Guangshan closed his darkened eyes. His mind buzzed and it took him a while to calm down. He asked Jing Yang, "Are you sure?"
"Although I was unable to find evidence, I am sure that they cause the accident based on my investigation." Jing Yang said firmly.
Xi Guangshan's hands were clenched tightly. His mind was inflamed, and his eyes were red from the hatred in his heart. He stood up, turned around, and walked out of Jing Yang's office without saying anything.
He Lang returned to Jing Yang's office a few minutes after Xi Guangshan had left, glanced at Jing Yang, and said, "He's walking really fast, what did he tell you?"
"He gave me all of the Xi family's assets." Jing Yang tapped the document and said, "He also said that after taking back the shares and property from Xi Rui, he will return them to me. He merely needs to stay in his current home and keep some deposit."
"He repented quickly. Xi Rui was not his own son. If you don't get them, he won't be able to give them to anyone else anyway." He said Lang.
"I told him the truth about my grandparents' accident," Jing Yang said.
"Oh?" He Lang asked, "What did he say?"
"He left without saying anything," Jing Yang said, "I believe that, despite his calm look, his heart is far from calm. He genuinely cared about those people. Not only did they lie to him, but they also murdered his parents. He must despise them to death. He'll spend the rest of his life feeling guilty and remorseful, and he'll never be at ease. I believe that telling him the truth is the best punishment for him."
He Lang said with a nod, "Although I used to think of Xi Guangshan as narrow, partial, and obstinate, no one can remain calm when confronted with the reality about his parents' deaths. The more he hates Wen Zhu and the others, the more agonizing it will be for him. This is the punishment he deserves."
"So I've already exacted revenge on Xi Guangshan for my mother. This is the end between me and him. But I still have to punish Wen Zhu, Xi Rui, and Du Jie more severely."
"I'll take care of it. You don't have to do anything. Wait patiently, and I'll give you a result as soon as possible, and everything will be taken care of." He Lang said, touching Jing Yang's face.
The lawsuit filed by Xi Guangshan against Wen Zhu and Cao Rutang for fraud did not take as long as some expected. This time, Xi Guangshan hired a top-notch legal team and won the lawsuit in a timely manner. Wen Zhu and Xi Rui were ordered to return all of the property and shares that Xi Guangshan had donated and transferred, and Cao Rutang was ordered to compensate Xi Guangshan for his rising expenses for Xi Rui over the years, and Wen Zhu to compensate for his mental losses. If they fail to carry it out within the stated time frame, the court will enforce it.
Wen Zhu and Xi Rui were left with nothing after returning the property and shares to Xi Guangshan, and there was no money to compensate Xi Guangshan for his emotional losses. In addition, Cao Rutang's wife is suing him for divorce. He is not only in bad shape, but all of his own assets have been frozen, and he has no money to compensate Xi Guangshan.
Xi Guangshan unexpectedly called Wen Zhu and Cao Rutang to his residence, saying that he wanted to speak with them face to face. As long as they sincerely apologize, the situation between them will be resolved. He will no longer pursue them for various compensation.
Xi Guangshan already said so. So, to lighten the load, they both went to the appointment.
Today's Xi residence is unusually quiet. Xi Guangshan dismissed all of the helpers. There were just three of them in the house.
Despite the fact that they had come to apologize, Cao Rutang and Wen Zhu sat at the dining table without looking at each other. Now that the truth has been out, the atmosphere of this meeting may be described as awkward.
On the dining table, Xi Guangshan placed three wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. "Do you have anything you want to tell me?" he asked as he sat down.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for keeping the truth hidden from you for so long." Wen Zhu said, lowering her head.
"I apologise to you as well. We did something terrible to you. We sincerely apologize and hope that you will forgive us and let go of the past." Cao Rutang said.
"Is there anything else?" Xi Guangshan looked at them and asked, "Apart from apologies for keeping the fact that Xi Rui is not my son hidden from me, do you have anything else to say?"
They were both silent. Apart from apologizing about this, they really didn't know what to say.
Xi Guangshan poured the red wine into each glass, pushed the other two glasses in front of them, and took a glass for himself. "Since you don't have anything else to say, let's drink this wine, forget about everything, and let's never meet again."
Xi Guangshan drank the wine first, then set the glass on the table and waited for them to also drink it.
Cao Rutang and Wen Zhu silently took the glasses and drank the red wine.
The three sat in silence for a while before Xi Guangshan spoke, "One last thing, I'd like to ask you something, and I'm hoping you can tell me the truth."
Cao Rutang said, "Ask away."
"I'd like to hear you describe in detail how you caused the accident that killed my parents." Although Xi Guangshan's face was expressionless, his face became paler and paler and his forehead was sweating.
Cao Rutang and Wen Zhu's eyes widened in shock. They didn't expect Xi Guangshan to be aware of this, and they couldn't say anything for a while.
Wen Zhu felt a strong pain in his stomach all of a sudden. She rolled on the ground and screamed while holding her stomach. "Ah! My stomach! It hurts!"
Cao Rutang was ready to get up when his stomach began to hurt. This pain came on abruptly, as if there's a knife in his stomach that was slicing through his intestines, and it was so excruciating that he couldn't stand.
With his teeth clenched, Cao Rutang held the table, endured the excruciating pain, and asked Xi Guangshan. "You, what did you put in the wine?"
"Put something that will allow the three of us to make amends for our actions. You were the murderers who killed my parents, and I was the one who brought you into the house. So, we shall put an end to our lives today and receive the punishment we deserve."
"No!" Wen Zhu's breathing became increasingly difficult, and she could only shout out weakly. "I don't want to die; I don't want to die! Help! Please, someone, save me!"
Cao Rutang was also lying on the ground in pain. He took his phone from his pocket with a shaky palm, wanting to call for help. Before he could unlock the phone, Xi Guangshan kicked the phone away.

Xi Guangshan also collapsed to the ground, tilted his head to see Cao Rutang and Wen Zhu in agony, and then burst out laughing. "Hahahaha, hahahaha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I actually..."


Du Jie was behind the wheel, and Xi Rui sat in the passenger seat, both of them silent. There had been far too many upsetting events recently, and the two were at a loss for words.
They were shocked when a car next to him abruptly wiped the edge of Du Jie's car and drove away. The two of them had not recovered when they were hit from behind by another car.
"What's the matter?!" Xi Rui turned around in panic, looking at the car that had hit them from behind.
"I'm not sure!" Du Jie pulled over and attempted to stop the car after regaining his sense, but the brakes failed. He stared in horror and said,
"The brakes failed! What should I do?!"
"What are you talking about?!" Xi Rui was similarly terrified and unsure of what to do. He could only yell at Du Jie, "Hurry up and find a way to stop!!"
"Find a way? The brakes are no longer working! What can I do?! You are the one..." The car behind Du Jie collided with them again before he could complete his words.

They were wedged between two cars, with a third car at the back crashing into them. When Xi Rui saw the 16-wheel truck in front of him, his thoughts went blank, and he yelled instinctively, "Ah! Ah! Ah!!!"


Jing Yang learned the next day through the news that Xi Guangshan, Wen Zhu, and Cao Rutang had died in Xi's villa. The cause of death was poisoning. Xi Rui and Du Jie were in a car accident; one died on the spot, and the other was disabled.
Jing Yang had just woken up when he saw these two pieces of news. He questioned whether he was still dreaming. He rubbed his eyes and read the news carefully.
He Lang walked into the room with a glass of milk, picked up Jing Yang in his arms, and sat down on the bed to feed him milk.
"Did you pull this off?" After pointing to the car accident news on the tablet, Jing Yang took a sip of milk and asked. There's no need to ask about the poisoning case; Xi Guangshan must have done it himself.
"No, my people are a step behind. Someone already done it in front of their eyes. It should be done by the people Xi Guangshan prepared." He Lang said.
Jing Yang sighed as he drank milk, "I didn't expect it. Xi Guangshan is really a cruel man. It can only be described as reasonable and unexpected that he would do this. Now that I think about it, Xi Guangshan is both hateful and pitiful."
"Everyone must accept responsibility for their actions. Whether it's hateful or pitiful, he's the one who caused it, and he must pay the consequences. However, he can be said to have done what needed to be done and paid the appropriate price." He Lang said.
"In other words, it's all over?" In a daze, Jing Yang said. It happened far too quickly. His mind was hazy early in the morning, so his reaction was a little slow.
"Not everything is over; it's just that they are over, and we are just getting started." He Lang kissed his milk-sweet lips.

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