Legend of the Holy Light [Arc 6.1]

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Chapter 68

Jing Yang could feel the rocking from rolling wheels, without opening his eyes he knew that he was definitely in a carriage right now. Opening his eyes and looking around, sure enough. But it was not an ancient Eastern carriage, but a classic Western carriage with glass windows.

He looked out the window, outside there were soldiers on horseback. Based on the clothes and appearance of the soldiers, this should be a place similar to the ancient Western European continent.

Then looking down at himself, he was wearing all old clothing, the simplest possible white robe. It really formed a sharp contrast with this relatively high-end carriage.

After looking at the views outside the window for a while, Jing Yang adjusted into a more comfortable position leaning against the back of the seat, and closed his eyes to open his memory intake function.

This is a world where the human race coexists with demons, called the Sabio continent, where there has always been a legend about the holy light.

The demons are fierce and brutal, and pose a great threat to mankind. Thousands of years ago, when mankind was almost forced into extinction by the demons, suddenly one day the continent suffered three consecutive months of torrential rain. The water demolished the magic hall of the demons, causing the magic power of the demons to be greatly reduced.

When the heavy rain stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and a column of light fell from the sky, causing all of the demons in the human realm to disappear.

After the beam of light disappeared, a flowing spring suddenly appeared. Humans built a temple where the beam of light had shone, and all of the newborn children would be baptized and blessed in the temple in hopes of being sheltered by the holy light. Mystical things happened again, and some of the children who had been cleansed in the springs grew up with the power of light, which could purify the magic of the demons. Since then, humans finally had the strength to compete against the demons.

With thousands of years of change and development, mankind gradually grew up and established the human empire, with soldiers that could fight against the demons.

The person Jing Yang was replacing this time was called Sylvie Graham. His grandfather was the temple elder, known as the holy one, and was valued by the royal family, with the respect of the people. His grandfather not only had strong light powers, but also had the powers of divination.

One day 20 years ago, Sylvie’s grandfather had divined that there was a powerful demon soul born in the human world, which would bring great disaster to mankind.

The royal family and entire empire’s temples sought hard, it took five years to finally find this child, and the emperor ordered the child to be killed. Sylvie’s grandfather pleaded for the child, saying that he could not force sins that had not yet occurred on a child, and that he hoped that he could bring the child back to the temple, purify the demon magic in his body, and make him into a normal human being.

This child’s name was Carnia, he grew up in the temple until he was twelve years old. Just when the demon magic in his body was about to disperse completely, he suddenly disappeared without a trace. Sylvie’s grandfather and the emperor had dispatched people to find him, but no one could find his trail.

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