Life of Music [12.16]

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Chapter 178

Ji Xiao had already had a heart transplant surgery, but he pretended to suffer a heart attack during the game and told a miserable story on the live broadcast.

Now that the truth had been revealed, those who had sympathized with him and cast sympathy votes for him were the ones who had felt the most slapped. No one enjoys the feeling of being tricked and used. Furthermore, those people had become almost a laughingstock on the Internet, and they naturally disliked Ji Xiao even more, various nasty and swear words were said.

On the Internet, there was a lot of tension. Ji family tried a variety of methods, but none of them were successful in removing the negative effects of this on Ji Xiao. But, because Ji Xiao was adamant about not giving up his dream of becoming a singer, the Ji family had no choice but to keep trying to find a solution.

When Liu Hang first saw the news, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He believed Ji Xiao was being falsely accused. However, when he asked someone to investigate who was framing Ji Xiao, the outcome was that everything in the news was true.

Liu Hang had to face the fact that Ji Xiao had deceived him. So, all he did for him, like breaking up with Chu Yang, suppressing and hurting Chu Yang, was simply being used as a tool for Ji Xiao in the end.

Liu Hang went from denial to sadness for himself to the rage he felt at being taken advantage of and duped. This caused him to lose control of his emotions, and he felt compelled to seek Ji Xiao to clarify things.

Ji Xiao locked himself in his room after the incident was published on the Internet. He didn't dare to leave the house, and he didn't dare to go online. He put himself under hypnosis, things would pass quickly, and he would be able to continue walking down the road he desires and living the life he desires.

Ji Xiao was sitting on the bed, wrapped in a blanket, when he was startled by a knock at the door. No matter how hard the people on the Internet scolded him, it was impossible for them to rush to his home and treat him like that. He relaxed a little and rose from his bed to open the door.

Ji Xiao pushed open the door a bit, glanced out at the housekeeper, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Liu Hang said he wanted to see you," said the housekeeper.

Ji Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but he knew Liu Hang would eventually find him. He must have shown up to confront him about his heart condition. He hadn't figured out how to tell him, so he couldn't see him right now.

"Tell him to leave; I'm not feeling well and don't want to see him right now." Ji Xiao expressed his thoughts.

"But..." The maid turned around and glanced back with some hesitation.

When Ji Xiao was about to close the door, it was pushed open by a force larger than his.

The door slammed against Ji Xiao, who took a few steps back. He rubbed the shoulder that had been smacked by the door and stared at Liu Hang, who strode in with a face full of anger.
With his backhand, Liu Hang shut the door, looked at Ji Xiao, and said, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Ji Xiao, unable to look him in the eyes, turned around and said, "You must already know what you should know. I have nothing to say. You can go. I don't want to see you right now."

"You have nothing to say to me, but I have plenty of questions for you. I won't leave if you don't tell me clearly." Liu Hang locked his gaze on him, controlling his rage.

Ji Xiao kept quiet since he had already guessed what he was going to ask.

"Why are you lying to me?" Liu Hang clenched his teeth and asked, word by word, what he really wanted to know.

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