Interstellar Internet Celebrity Live Broadcast Competition [Arc 3.5]

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Chapter 32

Jake felt his rounded stomach with satisfaction. Turning his head, he just happened to see Danny leaning against a tree to rest, his mouth was still swollen, his appearance seemed pretty pitiful.

“Can I give the rest of the clam meat soup to Danny?” Jake asked.

Jing Yang glanced over at that side and said, “Right now he can’t eat things from the ocean, otherwise it’ll get even more swollen. On the leaves next to the tree there’s still some mung bean grains, you can help him cook some.”

Jake used a knife to knock open a coconut and placed it on top of the fire, and then put the mung bean grains and some vegetables in there. Very quickly, it was done.

“Drink some.” Jake brought the vegetable porridge to Danny.

Danny wanted to thank him, but his mouth was too swollen so he had no way to make sounds properly. He could only nod at Jake and express his gratitude.

When the sky turned dark, Jing Yang extinguished the fire, and said to Jake, “Going up?”

Jake nodded, climbing up the rope ladder and entering the cabin.

Once he got in he was shocked: “This kind of cabin actually only got 7 points?”

This cabin actually even had a window, it was spacious enough to accommodate 3-4 people sleeping and there was still room left over. For the cabin that he and Danny had made, the two people could only sit up to sleep, they didn’t even have enough time to make it a little bigger. In here there was even a knee-high long table against the wall, not too wide, on top there were some fruit.

Jake lay down on the hay, he felt the wide and very comfortable leaves, and then repeated his lamentations: “This kind of cabin actually only got 7 points, that’s really too unfair, it’s even not that much different from sleeping on the bed at home.”

Some netizens heard Jake expressing his inner lamentations. Inexplicably, they felt somewhat guilty, who knows whether they were feeling guilty about themselves, or feeling guilty about the people they supported.

Jing Yang sat down in front of the long table and placed all the prepared materials on top, starting to make his handicraft.

Jake lay down and didn’t want to get up, he had the weakest physique out of all of the competitors, and after going through two days and a night, he was already spent. But the things that had to be done still needed to be done, even if he was just here to muddle through, he also couldn’t do it too obviously, otherwise the netizens would have things to talk about.

He bit his teeth, then strove to climb back up. Jake sat down on the other side of the long table. At least the craft that he wanted to make was more simple, he also didn’t want to attempt to make something too difficult to torture himself.

“Peng peng peng….”

Suddenly they heard a series of noises. Jake jumped from surprise, raising his head to look out the window, it was actually hailing!

“Ah! Ah!”

From down there came Danny’s vague yelling, hail the size of eggs was falling at a very fast speed, when they smashed on his body it hurt to the extent that he kept shouting.

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