5. Semper Invicta

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We made it back to the station, ghouls had been cleaned out of the station and dumped I'm an alley, a good yard or two away. "You're both back! Glad to see you alive and well, sir." Haylen greeted us at the door as we both walked in, Dogmeat pouncing on me.

Rhys is now standing and he comes over to be beside her. "Are we in luck, sir?" He asks with arms crossed over his chest.

Danse puts on his brave face again, straightening up. "Mission accomplished... We have the transmitter." He says with a smile as I stand up beside him.

"Finally! Some good news for a change. Nice work, sir." Rhys says smiling for the first time since we met.

"I didn't do it alone." Danse smiles at me as they all turn their eyes to me. "Haylen, Rhys... It's time to welcome our newest recruit to the recon team." He smiles at me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "She shows a lot of promise, and with the proper guidance, I think she has the potential of becoming one of the best." He says, more to me than his team.

"Thanks," I reply. "I promise not to let you down."

"You don't have to prove anything else to me. Getting that transmitter was enough." Haylen says with a smile.

"So you decided to stay, huh?" Rhys asked, arms crossed over his chest and I matched his pose. "I expected you to take your payment and run." Rhys scoffs.

'Not with this guy again' "Aww... let's just hug this out and get it over with. What do you say?" I say sarcastically. I see past Rhys, Haylen cracking a smile.

"You can play it however you want, tough girl. It's gonna take a lot more than completing one mission to impress me." Rhys grumbles out.

"Rhys, that's enough." Danse says, looking thoroughly annoyed. "Like it or not, your going to have to learn to work together." He says to us, and we just continue to glare at each other in a silent battle. "And you." He turns to me, all trace of smiling Danse gone. "You need to understand what it means to be a part of the Brotherhood." He tells me and I straighten up, nodding stiffly and looking away from Rhys. "We're not soldiers of fortune. We're an army and we've dedicated our lives to uphold a strict code of ethics." He says. "If you intend to stay within our ranks, you need to obey our tenets without question."


"Outstanding. Since I know you're eager to get started, I'll get right to the point. I only ask for two things from anyone under my command. Honesty and respect. You fall in line, you stay in line. I give you an order, and you follow it. It's as simple as that." He explains. "Now, from this moment forward, I'm granting you the rank of Initiate. This is only a training rank... I'm not permitted to grant ranks any higher than that." Danse says slightly disappointed.

"Why can't you promote me beyond Initiate?" 'What's a higher rank than Paladin?'

"Only an Elder can promote you beyond Initiate. After we get the transmitter up and running, I'll call in and see what I can do"

"Thank you." I responded. I didn't think that I deserved such a position, I certainly lacked skill.

"Thanks aren't necessary. Just continue excelling at your duties, soldier"

"Ad victoriam, Initiate." The red head chimed. Dogmeat nudged my leg as I smiled awkwardly. Whatever Haylen had said, I didn't understand and didn't bother to ask.

"She doesn't even know what that means, Haylen." Rhys says, rolling his eyes. I scrunch up my nose at him a little, biting back a retort.

"Ad victoriam" means "To Victory." Danse tells me, and I nod. "In our eyes, defeat is unacceptable because we're fighting for the future of mankind. Our rallying cry is more powerful than any weapon you could ever carry. Remember that. Now... Haylen will start working tonight and finish on the signal tomorrow and the Prydwen will answer. Until then get some rest, there's and extra mattress behind that door there." He pointed towards the door off to the left.

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