15. The Glowing Sea

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*-*-*-*-*Danse's POV*-*-*-*-*

We continued on for hours, unsure of where we were going. All we knew was that Virgil was somewhere out there in the desolate landscape. We listened to the Diamond City radio, it was actually quite nice, and every now and then Y/N would bop her head to the beat or tap her foot or even hum along. I just watched, that sounds creepy but it was nice... seeing her more relaxed. I'm glad she feels more relaxed around me. "Living in the center of the crater is a group of people that... they worship it... they call themselves the Children of Atom. They come here at the age of forty and it takes them only a matter of hours to die. They could know where Virgil is." I said as I recalled hearing about the discovery of these people.

The ground rumbled around us, causing us both to freeze. I watched Y/N turn her radio off and look around, the headlamp on her helmet casting an eery light in the fog. She turned around, rifle raised. "Something is stalking us." I said at the exact moment that a Radscorpion burst from the charred Earth before her. She shot it a few times before stumbling backwards as she tried to dodge the scorpions stinger. We took it down quickly, which was a relief for us, till I stopped to look back at the Knight. She was standing, slumping slightly in her suit, her rifle in the power armor's hands limply. I could hear her panting. "Knight." I said loudly as I approached her, snapping her out of it.

"I'm ok, just winded." She said, but she knew something wasn't right. She had been training with the Brotherhood for awhile now and didn't become winded easily anymore. She shook her head again. "I'm fine." She reiterated.

The climb into the crater was excruciating. The incline was incredibly steep and she found herself fighting for breath again. What was wrong with her? Y/N was absolutely astonished when they reached the rim of the crater, we were so high up and below us was an entire little village made of wooden shacks and scrap metal. I looked over at the women beside me. Normally I had to look down at her, but in the power armor she was level with me. I could barely see her face through the tinted face of the helmet, but she didn't look well to me, it was her body language that gave it away. Out in the Glowing Sea... There was no taking off the armor to check what was wrong.

Down into the crater we went. The radiation was the most severe there. The geiger counter on my suit was off the meter. The Children of Atom gave us hard stares and odd looks as we traveled through their little settlement. We were headed for the biggest shack in sight, assuming that their leader would be here. We saw a woman with her arms spread to the sky on the porch that overlooked the others. "Stop right there stranger." The woman said to us. "You approach Atoms Holy ground, why? State your purpose, or be divided in his sight." I raised an eyebrow, confused. Not that she could see with my helmet though.

"I'm here because I need your help." Y/N said. The woman stared at her for a moment.

"Do you seek division? Have you come to merge with Atom, to be split in his infinite glory? Or do you seek to tear down his followers?" The woman asked. It appeared as if she was in some drug induced haze, but Y/N soon realized that the woman was dying of radiation poisoning.

"I'm looking for someone named Virgil." Y/N told her and again the woman stopped for a few moments, staring into space, then clasped her hands together.

"Virgil? Yes... we know this Virgil." The woman looked at me then Y/N. "I see. In truth, this Virgil has caused some concern. Some believe his presence is an affront to Atom. Though he came to trade with us on a few occasions, we have had little other contact with him. It was quite clear he wanted to be left alone. You can find him Southwest of the crater, living in a cave. I would approach cautiously, where I you. I feel he does not want visitors." The woman said hoarsely before turning and aimlessly wandering back into the shack.

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