31. A New Dawn

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"So... it appears the Commonwealth is about to enter a new era of peace, thanks to you." Danse says next to me. We continue to look down at where the Institute use to be located at.

"A new era of peace? What do you mean?"

"The constant paranoia of living in the Institute's shadow vanish the moment you press the detonation button. The kidnappings, the fear and the threat of their technology running amok... all gone, thanks to you." Danse says, turning and looking at me.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the ground below. "I didn't do this for the Commonwealth, Danse. This was personal."

"It doesn't matter." I feel him wrap his fingers into my own and held my hand. "What you've done will be felt for years to come. Its destined to become a part of history. A tale of a lone soldier who made this land a better place. A place where people no longer have to live in fear, but instead, live in peace. The Commonwealth is safe, because you chose to take a leap of faith and make a difference."

I smiled at that. It was the same thing Danse said to encourage me to join the Brotherhood. If I didn't take that leap, I wouldn't even be here... here with Danse. "Thanks, Danse. Hearing you say that means a lot." I look down at our hand and see the wedding ring I gave him on his ring finger. I turn to face Danse. "It would have been impossible without your help."

"Your welcome. It's the least I can do for the soldier who risks everything on my behalf, and I wouldn't even be alive without yours. I'd say that makes us even." He says with a smug smile on his face. "Come on, let's get out of here."


Once we arrived back on the Prydwen, Danse suggested I'd go clean up and grab something to eat before he wanted me to meet him with Captain Kells. I asked if he could join me, but being Elder of the Brotherhood came big responsibilities and stupid meetings. I do as he ordered.

After an hour or two, I make my way down to the command deck. I can see Danse and Kells joking and laughing together. I always thought Maxson had a corn cob shoved up his ass. As I walk into the room, Danse was quick to notice and all joking aside and slips into his rank. "Paladin, there you are. Captain Kells and I wanted to speak with you. Captain Kells." Danse says giving the Captain the floor.

"As I expected, Elder Danse has already explained, the destruction of the Institute is simply the first stage of operations in the Commonwealth. There are still super mutants and ferals to be dealt with as well as any remaining synths that escaped the blast. It's our hope that you'll continue serving with the Brotherhood and assist us with eradicating these threats."

"Well, I'm not going to quit now." I say with a smile. If Danse is with the Brotherhood, then that's where I'll be too, continue to help the people of the Commonwealth.

"Indeed. I expected no less from you, Sentinel. Ad Victoriam." Captain Kells salutes and leaves to return to his post.

I was confused at the title change all of a sudden and Danse was quick to take a step forward. "In light of your service, Captain Kells and I both feel you deserve unique recognition for your contributions, both past and future. It's with great pleasure, and the utmost respect that you are here by granted the title of Sentinel. This is the highest honor a Brotherhood soldier can achieve, but we both felt strongly that is well deserved."

"Thank you Danse. I'm really quite honored." I say with a smile.

"The honor is ours." Danse takes another step, wrapping his arms around my back while I wrap mine around his neck. "So, Sentinel..." He says, looking deep into each others eyes. "For the first time since we've met, I have no orders for you. From this moment forward, you will decide which missions you undertake and how you will guide us. Captain Kells and the personnel at the Cambridge Police Station still possess numerous operations for you to undertake. And if you'll still have me by your side, I'd be honored to accompany you." A slight shade of pink was evident on his cheeks.

This made my heart melt. I will always love Nate, but that was from a different life. Y/N died in that vault... with her family. This is my life now. This is my family. Tears started springing to my eyes, but not sad tears but happy ones. I couldn't contain the smile on my face. Realizing I didn't give him an answer and knowing I couldn't, I nod my head frantically and crash my lips to his. Embracing each other in a much needed and loving kiss. I wanted it to last forever but we parted for air, keeping our foreheads together, smiling and looking into each other's eyes.



The end... Finished.... I hope you enjoyed my Danse X Reader. First story I actually finished... Might do more Danse X Reader if anyone would like?
But until then... Why don't we all just Dance. Dance. Paladin Danse 😜

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