25. The Danse Dilemma

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Welcome back you dirty little dooders, you loved it, you know you did (I hope) but if you did skip, well that's good too because I don't want to rot your mind with my dirty, creative, imaginative good time I wish I could/should/would have with a man. Excuse me, got carried away. Girl can dream can't she? Anyways, on with the story!


"That was exhilarating." He commented and I laughed. I laid beside the Paladin on the rusty little cot, his arm beneath my head and my leg thrown over his.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly. Things had escalated so quickly between us since I have found him and this concerned me. I would be alright but I was worried that Danse may be overwhelmed.

"I never thought there was room for anything in my life besides the Brotherhood. I'm glad I was wrong." He told me as he got up, the cot squeaking. I gave him a gentle smile. I was still worried about the confrontation with Elder Maxson. It was going to be difficult and I wasn't sure that he had realized just how serious his situation was. I got up as well, quickly dressed myself and swung Righteous Authority across my back, watching Danse warily as he gathered up his laser rifle and other supplies.

"Lets head back to the Prydwen." He told me. I nodded despite the fact that the last place I wanted to go was the Prydwen. At this point, I thought we'd be safer and better off in Sanctuary in the shadow of the Vault. I followed Danse back out through the debris filled room and into the elevator. I couldn't believe the progress I had made with the Paladin. When the door slid shut, Danse hesitantly reached out for me, he acted as if I would be revolted by him now, and I responded by leaning up against him. On my tip toes, I kissed him and felt a hand on the small of my back. Maybe life could be good again. Maybe I could have happiness again. Maybe Danse had been the reason that I hadn't died in Vault 111.

The elevator doors creaked open and we stepped out into the cold, dark lobby of the bunker. Thunder and rain could be heard outside. I stepped out into the cold night, Danse slowly stepping out of the security of the bunker behind me, both of us immediately being soaked by the rain. I stopped dead in my tracks. "How dare you betray the Brotherhood!" Maxson yelled, furious.

Danse stepped out in front of me, not that I couldn't handle myself but it gave him comfort knowing I was ok. "It's not her fault. Its mine." Danse tried to defend.

"I'll deal with you in a moment." Maxson glared at Danse then turned his gaze to me. "Knight!" He called and I stepped forward from behind Danse's outstretched arm to stand between the two men, like a shield. "Why had this... this thing not been destroyed?" He yelled at me, but I stood my ground.

"He's still alive because you're wrong about him." I yelled back.

"Him?!" Danse isn't a man, it's a machine... an automaton created by the Institute. It wasn't born from the womb of a loving mother, it was grown within the cold confines of a laboratory. Flesh is flesh. Machine is machine. The two were never meant to intertwine. By attempting to play God, the Institute has taken the sanctity of human life and corrupted it beyond measure." Maxson spat, intending to hurt Danse and I was certain that he had.

The whole time I was biting my tongue as to not blow up at Maxson, so when he was finally done yapping I was about to let him have it but then Danse started speaking first. "After all I've done for the Brotherhood... all the blood I've spilled in our name, how can you say that about me?" Danse says sternly.

"You're the physical embodiment of what we hate most. Technology that's gone too far. Look around you, Danse. Look at the scorched earth and the bones that litter the wasteland. Millions... perhaps even billions, died because science outpaced man's restraint. They called it a "new frontier" and "pushing the envelope," completely disregarding the repercussions. Can't you see that the same thing is happening again?! You're a single bomb in an arsenal of thousands preparing to lay waste to what's left of mankind." The Elder said with anger in his eyes.

The Danse DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now