20. Institutionalized

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The next couple of days went by slowly as I ran errands for Ingram, helped assemble the teleporter, and sulked in my room. Things just seemed to be getting to me lately and I hadn't talk to the Paladin once. The day the teleporter was finished was the day that I officially had to prove myself to the Brotherhood and I was beyond terrified. I walked quietly and swiftly to the command center where I knew Maxson would be waiting for me. I entered the room with my head held high and in my vault suit with Righteous Authority on my back.

"Remarkable work, Knight." Maxson said as he turned from the window. "The Signal Interceptor appears to be complete. Are you ready to put it to the test?" He asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Absolutely. I'm ready to go."

"Your confidence is an inspiration to us all. That being said... this is the first time we've attempted to directly adapt Institute technology. When we throw that switch, we don't know exactly what's going to happen. God willing, you'll end up inside the Institute and the mission can continue."

"Nothing's going to stop me when I'm so close to the answers I'm looking for." I say with determination in my eyes.

"Eager to get inside, eh? Good. Now, I want you to listen very carefully. Once you've entered the Institute, we expect to lose contact so it's imperative you remember everything I'm about to tell you. About 10 years ago, the Brotherhood began recruiting civilian scientists from the Capital Wasteland to assist with various projects. During this process, we were able to obtain the services of a Doctor Madison Li, a noted mind in the field of nuclear engineering."

"That's fortunate." I say with a nod.

"Yes, it was. Securing useful resources during wartime is critical. That said, Doctor Li's contributions to our cause were instrumental in maintaining order in the Capital Wasteland. After some time, she developed differences with the Brotherhood and exiled herself to the Commonwealth. We're fairly certain that her intent was to make contact with the Institute."

"I'm surprised that the Brotherhood let her go." I say, slightly confused. What would make her leave?

"Had I've been in command, I wouldn't have allowed it to happen. She was a valuable asset. Your mission is simple. Once you're inside the Institute, we want you to track down Doctor Li's whereabouts. If you find out that she's still alive, make contact with her and convince her to return to the Brotherhood of Steel. There is a special project we're working on, and it needs her attention."

"Consider it done, Elder."

"Very good. Very good. Listen to me, Knight. I'm well aware that you're risking your life going into the Institute blind. Just keep your mind on the mission, and don't let anything they say sway you from your duty. Good luck." Elder Maxson says, then salutes.


Danse and I stood in the middle of the airport, infront of the machine. "...I don't like this..." He grumbles, making me laugh.

"You don't like a lot of things."

"...I like you..." He says, making me smile and slightly blush. We stand for a minute more, side by side, both our arms crossed over our chest.

"Ok!" We both turned around and see Proctor Ingram walking towards us with a check list in her hand. "I've checked and rechecked everything. I think the Signal Interceptors ready to go... Oh and-" She hands me a small device. "If you find a terminal, plug this into it. It'll download any information it can reach." I nod and pocket it.

Danse now pipes up. "Can I bring my power armor?" Ingram looks from me to him.

"You won't be going at all, Paladin." She says, leaving us both stunned and turns on her heel to leave.

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