28. Spoils Of War

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"Good morning, beautiful." Danse says, kissing my forehead. "Come on, let's report to Captain Kells." We get up and get dressed. Danse puts on the battlecoat Maxson always wore over his black flight suit, and I put on my vault suit. We leave our shared quarters and make our way down to the flight deck.

Already at the wheel was the Captain. "Captain Kells." I say to get his full attention.

"Ah, Elder, Paladin. Good. Now that the unfortunate matter regarding Maxson has been settled, we can return to our primary mission."

"We're ready, Captain." Danse tells him and I nod in agreement.

"Good, because the mission demands your full attention. Now, before we launch our attack on the Institute, we need to address another threat... the Railroad. They're a small, but capable group that uses subterfuge and guerrilla tactics to harass their enemies. Our tactical analysis says they could possibly hamper or harm our operations, which is a risk I'm not willing to take. If we strike now, we should be able to maximize the amount of damage we do to their organization."

Me and Danse give each other a look. We can't take out the Railroad, they help run away synths... like Danse. They helped us get into the Institute. I'm sure Danse was thinking the same thing because he was the one to speak, being the leader that he is. "They are allies." He orders. It surprised me that Danse was quick to defend them.

"Yes sir, I'm pleased that their organization will no longer be a threat to our future operations. With that out of the way, I believe Proctor Ingram is ready for your help with Liberty Prime. Ad Victoriam." The Captain salutes.

Me and Danse head back up the ladder and to where Proctor Ingram is usually at. "You look like you've been through the wringer, Paladin." Ingram says as we walk up to her. "Can't say that I blame you. Anyway, we need to move on to more important things now... like getting Liberty Prime off of life support. We've been feeding him power through the Prydwen's engines, but there isn't nearly enough juice to cold start his fusion reactor. That's why we need you to find us a Beryllium Agitator."

"Turning out to be quite a grocery list to get that junk running." I say as I look at Danse, he cracks a smile. "I'm betting you know right where to find it." I say, looking back at Ingram.

"Of course I do. I didn't become head of ship maintenance just because of my looks, you know." Me and Danse both crack a smile. "Quinlan dug up some dirt on a company called Mass Fusion... they were a power utility company before the world went belly-up. The CEO was some kind of an inventor... dreamed up all sorts of nuclear power toys. The Agitator was his crown jewel. Records show he was working on it in his lab at the top of their high-rise in the Financial District. That's where we're headed. If we find this last piece, I promise you he'll be combat ready in a matter of hours. Hope you don't mind a little company, because I'm coming with you."

"We appreciate the offer, Proctor." Elder Danse says. I refuse to put anyone else in danger.

I shake my head. "No way. You're staying here."

"Hey, I might be walking around with metal rods shoved into my spine, but I can still take care of myself."

"Forget it, Ingram. It's too dangerous." I order her. After all, I am a Paladin.

"Fine. Have it your way. I just hope you don't bring back a paperweight by mistake. Kells has a Vertibird on standby waiting to drop you off on the roof of the Mass Fusion tower. Grab whatever gear you need and head up to the flight deck, but don't take too long. If the Institute finds out the Agitator's there, they'll do everything they can to keep it out of our hands." She informs. Before we head to the Vertibird, me and Danse swing by our quarters. We grab our respected rifles and I throw some armor on top of my vault suit and Danse gets in his power armor and make our way to the flight deck.

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