VII. Corruption

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TW: mentions of injuries

Xalyn found a cruel pleasure in their position. Subtly, the Watchers' Order had been transformed into a militaristic regime. It had happened at both a rapid and gradual pace, with changes taking effect one by one until the governing body was overturned. Decrees had been issued denouncing the power of any Watcher outside of the council, removing ranks from the army, and banning the display of any emotion under the penalty of death.

Yevir had grown increasingly frustrated with the council's decisions. Despite his, Zeroc's, and Xelqua's frequent objections to the ruling, the three were constantly overruled by the other nine members. The trio and Pearl stayed relatively close to each other, disregarding the dirty looks cast their way by the remaining Watchers. Many resented Xelqua for his appointment to the council in spite of the short and irritated reasons Xalyn provided when questioned.

Their numbers continued to dwindle. The race was already fading, and the recent battle had all but obliterated the lower classes. Steadily, the frost that began to grow between friends and the seeds of distrust sown between the members were branching outward as the militaristic mindset took hold.

Pearl frowned at her instructor. They continued etching shapes in the sandy endstone with a pole, oblivious to her presence. The minutes ticked by as she watched them, the strict protocol forbidding her from saying the first word. It was a silly rule, in her opinion. However, she had learned from her mistakes; the raised burns on the upper half of her left arm throbbed as a constant, painful reminder.

Finally, they looked up and noticed her. "Patience is essential to survival," they said, discarding the stick. The firm Galactic they spoke was slow and measured as they scanned her gaze and ascertained she was understanding. "Without waiting, we lose many things. It was thus many years ago, and we have paid the price."

Pearl nodded, unsure of how to reply. "I agree," she said eventually. "How does that help, Morpheus-domini?" She added the honorific required between student and master, fully aware of the wrath and ferocity threatening to break from under their smooth mask.

"It helps us determine the right path for all of Minecraft. Without the patience we exercise to make decisions for the players we are the lords of, the Magic binding us together would disintegrate." They paused. "Watchers are responsible for maintaining the peace of the worlds. This is why the Listeners had to be ended. You must learn to see this."

Pearl scowled mentally. The superiority displayed by the Watchers over the past month had been nigh on unbearable. It was as if she was nothing more than a plaything to them. A pawn in their grand scheme of control over the realms. Even Yevir and Zeroc restrained their replies to her persistent questions, stating time and time again how she must become "one of them" before receiving answers. All she was able to gather was that most of the other Evolutionists were alive. Their present condition was a mystery beyond that.

Zeroc landed abruptly beside them, disrupting Morpheus' studious observations of her reaction. "Xalyn says it is time," he reported.

Morpheus nodded, casting a smug glance at Pearl. "Your patience has paid off, young player," they said, stalking a few paces away and opening their wings. "I wish you luck with the ceremony's trials. May its pains be short-lived in your memories." With that last ominous statement, they took wing, wheeling in the sky before flying to the council's hall.

"Ready?" Zeroc asked, raising his arm and holding his palm at a right angle with the floating island. He pressed forward and brought his arm in a circular motion, tracing a teal spiral. He grabbed the arms of the spiral and thrust them apart, opening a portal roughly two and a half meters high. "It will stay open until you step through. Do not keep us waiting."

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