XIV. Almost Reunited

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TW: talk of trauma

"Xylia, I found it," Zeroc said, coming out of his trance. He had been seated in the same position for 'hours' as he searched for a break in the spell weaving that would allow him access to the server. He had searched in vain until the Void's time accelerated and sped them nearly two years into the future. "They're jumping to their eighth world," he continued. "If we can get in before Yevir tightens the last spells, the two of you should be able to work your way into becoming server members."

"What about you?" Gem asked. The elven wizard had already grown attached to him and couldn't bear to see him suffer.

"I will be more than safe. If I ever need to flee, I will go directly to Pearl, and she will cover for me," he replied, ruffling her hair. She huffed playfully, batting him away and kicking him in the ankles. He winced despite the red armor over his shins absorbing the brunt of the attack.

Pearl rolled her eyes, handing Zeroc the dark gray helmet he would wear for his part of 'Evil Xisuma' on the server. They had played with the idea of Zeroc joining as a regular player. He had quickly explained that his lack of player experience would put them at a severe disadvantage.

"We Watchers have a god complex," he had said. "It is not easy to get rid of, but I can use it to get close enough to Yevir." Pearl had viewed this skeptically, but Gem quickly pointed out that he couldn't use the name 'Yevir' in the server, and the conversation had shifted.

"I still say you should turn him into something," the redhead giggled mischievously. "He tends to change his skin every season, so it'll help you build up your magic faster until you can unlock his memories."

"Yes," Zeroc replied slowly, "but I do not know if I should take the risk. My brother is swift to take revenge and relentless in psychological pursuit. He is the master of strategy and persuasion in our council. Psychological torment at his hands is not a threat to be taken lightly."

Pearl shrugged. "Make it cute or don't do it. Honestly, you have the easier end of the deal. I have to get Grian back, and doing that subtly will be more than a challenge. Also, performing the spell on you drained me considerably. I won't be able to help for a while." She rubbed her arm, reluctant to change from the comfortable, flexible Watcher uniform. She did so with a sigh, waving her hand with a spark of magic and replacing her outfit with the last set of clothing Grian had seen her in.

Zeroc watched her reaction closely, then said, "I do not enjoy costumes either, Xylia. However we do what we must to ensure peace is brought to the universes. Besides," he said, winking, "mine has lights in the helmet. Is that not a bright idea?" At that, he switched on the red LEDs that followed the position of his eyes.

Pearl groaned in exasperation. Zeroc's attempts at joking were getting progressively worse. His lack of experience – thanks to his alternate personality being a villain with deadly psychopathic intentions – left him floundering in the art of kidding around. Unfortunately, that left both girls vulnerable to 'dad jokes,' as Gem termed it.

The term meant nothing to either Watcher; their fathers were never present in their lives to give them a taste of the nature of this humor. Zeroc's father was a stoic and emotionless figure who pushed both sons to their limits. He had passed during the most recent war with the Listeners. As for Pearl, she did not remember either of her parents, so any parental comparisons were swiftly lost on her.

"Come, let us go before it is too late," Zeroc commanded, breaking Pearl out of her reverie. "I do not have long to separate his wards before he seals them into impenetrable barriers. Every spell is tightly interwoven. It will be difficult as it is."

Gem nodded. "The sooner we leave, the better."

Zeroc immediately began the magic, opening a hole in the slime of the Void. Pearl jumped through, pulling Gem behind her. They sank through the murk as he followed, cyan magic flashing in rings, arcs, and swirls as he danced around the whitelist. They broke out of the Void into perfect, clear skies, with nothing around them. Suddenly, gravity took effect, and they began to plummet.

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