XX. Resolute for Memories

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TW: blood, injuries, death

Blood gathered in pools on the surface of the Void, unable to penetrate the gooey substance. Pearl lay on the ground in shock, the revelation, tearing apart her mind. She had committed homicide against her father, an atrocious deed that should not be tolerated under any circumstances. The Void continued to tear in a few places, but it was clear the superior dimension was rapidly setting its boundaries straight.

Her heart screamed a desire for company, so she opened her ears, straining for sound from the outside world. She was met with shallow, ragged breathing, punctuated with small gasps and coughs as the injured person fought to live. Suddenly, she remembered.

"Zeroc!" she cried, scrambling on all fours to where he lay, drenched in blood.

"Xylia," he whispered, his voice barely audible despite his best efforts.

"Zeroc, did you know?" She was desperate for the truth, hoping beyond all hope that Xalyn had lied in another manipulative arc.

He nodded weakly. "Forgive me for not telling you. I thought it was for the best." He took a shuddering breath. "You have every right to be angry with me. I concealed a truth that hurt you more than it helped you. Had my judgment been better, you would not have suffered at Xalyn's words."

"I can't be angry," she muttered, grabbing his hand. "Not when you're dying. Please, please, please stay here with me."

"Xylia, I cannot."

"No, you'll respawn! I know it! You'll respawn and we'll all be happy together. Xalyn is leaving us alone! We can be happy!"

"Xylia... do you really believe that?" Zeroc's eyes were filled with pain as his gaze found hers. She nodded furiously, pressing his hand. "Here, examine this," he said, showing her his communicator. The hit points that measured his health were deeply negative. "I am only alive because of the magic that runs naturally through my veins. I suspect this is why Yevir survived a similar situation."

"Then you can survive it too," she said earnestly, averting her eyes. She couldn't bear facing what her head knew to be true. "I can help. Just show me where to guide the magic. I promise I can do it."

"Xylia, you know it is not true. Do not deceive yourself."

Her heart sank as she nodded, the first of many tears finally making their way past her iron will. Zerco brought his other hand to rest on hers, cyan magic surrounding it. He moved the light into her hands gently, cupping her fingers around it.

"It is an old spell, but one that has served me well. I am giving you ancient skills passed on to me by my predecessors. All of them are proven to be invaluable during battle. I do not foresee more conflict, but you will be safer with them."

Pearl nodded again, whispering silver light around his magic and incorporating it into hers. A part of her mind began working immediately, but she closed it off, the pain of the moment too much to process anything else.

"Now," Zeroc breathed, barely able to force the words through his mouth, "if you will allow me, I wish to give you a father's blessing. I have come to think of you as my own, despite never having relations with another."

"I- I would be honored," she whispered back, petrified. She closed her eyes, unable to watch him as he struggled to speak. His bloodied hand brushed her cheek as he brought his palm to rest on her forehead.

"May the Wind be beneath your wings, the Sun at your back, and the Moon light your way." He choked on the last words and coughed weakly, unable to relieve the internal bleeding that flooded his lungs. "Fly high... daughter."

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