meeting the kagamine twins

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    Dedicated to christie
POV: Len
It's my first day here at academy of fine arts, it's those types of schools with dorms. I was looking for my door #236 but I can't find it. I was walking around the halls but then I bumped into someone and we both fell on the cold floor. "Ouch" I said as I got up. I saw a girl sitting on the floor. "Sorry" I said as I helped her up. "It's okay" she said fixing her skirt. "Hi I'm Len" I said. "I'm [Y/N]" she said. "HEY GUYS I FOUND [Y/N]" I heard a boy said. "Well it was nice meeting you but I have to go" [Y/N] and she quickly ran away. "[Y/N] WAIT FOR US!!" the group of boys said running after her.
POV: [Y/N]
I ran away from the group of guys who were chasing me, this happens every year! "Why me" I said out loud to myself as I ran into the bathroom. "I can't even get to my own dorm without being chased by guys" I said out loud. "Hello? Is someone in here?" I heard a voice coming from one of the stalls. "Yup" I said. A girl with short blonde hair and a big bow on her head came out. "Hi! I'm Rin. Do you know where dorm #336 is?" She asked. "Yeah, I was just heading there. I'm [Y/N] and we're roommates." I said. "Yay! I made a new friend!" Rin said excitedly. "I'll show you to the dorm" I said and I grabbed her hand dragging her with me to the dorm. "I already took up the side closest to the door" I said. "Okay, I'll go put my things away. Then an announcement went off: "All students are to report to the dining Hall an pick up their schedules, students shall also stay and eat their diner. After dinner they are to report to their rooms and get ready for bed. That will be all, welcome to Academy Of Fine Arts." "Where's dining hall?" Rin asked. "I'll take you there" I said grabbing her arm and quickly getting to the dining hall. "What classes did you get?" Rin asked. "English, science, math, P.E., and music." I said. "We only have three classes together" Rin said whining. "It's better than nothing" I said. "True! Now let's go get a table so we can eat" Rin said. We finished eating and ran to my dorm because of the boys. "Does this happen everyday?" Rin asked trying to cath her breath. "Yeah, pretty much. But hey, it's a great workout! And I'm always the fastest" I said. "haha, yeah. I can imagine." Rin said. "Hey, we should get ready for bed" I said. "Yeah, you're right" she said and she headed towards the bathroom. When she got out I got ready for bed. "Goodnight" I said climbing in my bed. "Goodnight [Y/N]-chan" Rin said.
~•time skip to next morning•~
"Hey, [Y/N]. Wake up" I heard Rin say. "Yeah?" I asked. "We're going to class soon" she said. "Oh yeah, today's the first day of school!" I said as I grabbed my school uniform and ran to the bathroom. I got out and we walked to class. "Everyone take your seats please" the teacher said and everyone except Rin and a boy sat down, the boy looks very familiar and he looks a lot like Rin. "Today we have two new transfer students, please introduce yourselves" the teacher said. "Hello, I am kagamine Rin" "and I'm kagamine Len" girls screamed as Len talked. "Omg he's so hot!"  'What? Why do they like him? I thought all the girls wanted to be like me, they always cheered when they heard my name. I don't like Len, from now on we're rivals!' I thought to myself. "Please go take the free seats in the back near [Y/N]" the teacher said. Len sat in front of me and Rin sat behind me.
~•time skip to lunch because classes are boring•~
I was going to eat lunch with Rin but Len was with her so I went to the lunch line by myself. "Hey, [Y/N]. If you want I'll keep you company" some random guy said. "No, I'm fine" I said and I walked away from him. 'How do they know my name? I've never even talked to them before' I thought. "HEY GUYS IT'S [Y/N]!! PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!" I heard a boy scream. Not again! I ran away and went inside the nearest girls restroom. When I felt like it was safe I left.
POV: Len
It's always so noisy in this school, everyone keeps screaming [Y/N] and it's getting annoying! I hate it when boys ask her out and chase her. Why is she so perfect and beautiful? "Hey, are you Len?" I heard a girl say. "Yes I am." I responded. "Wait did I hear Len?" Another girl said. "OMG IT'S LEN! HE'S AS HOT AS THEY SAY HE IS" another girl screamed which caused a group of girls to start walking towards me. I ran away before they could catch me, I know how [Y/N] feels now. I was running but then I bumped into someone. "Sorry" I said getting up and helping the person I bumped into up. "YOU!" We both screamed and pointed at each other. "I DON'T LIKE YOU!" we both screamed at the same time again. "WHY?" We both screamed at the same time, yet again. "Because you're beautiful" she said "because you're hot" she said. "Because you're perfect and everyone likes you!" We both said at the same time, that's getting annoying. We both then realized what we just said and blushed. "Well, then I'll just....go" she said running away from me.
This is my first xreader fanfic. I'm sorry if you don't like it now but I promise it'll get better! Thanks <3 for reading bye~
I do not own any vocaloids named in my fanfic, they belong to their rightful owner. but Len does own your heart

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