Having a Sleepover With My Fiancé

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Like I've said many times before, I suck at coming up with titles. So yeah, on with the story!!

POV: {Y/N}
That evening I started packing all the clothes I had and I realized that I only had enough clothes for the first few months of the tour. 'I'll be wearing my pajamas for most of the trip' I thought and I calmed down. I'll be too lazy to do anything anyway.

But then I'm also rich. I can ask my parents for another credit card and I'm sure they'd give it to me......Len isn't the only spoiled one here. I'll bring an empty suitcase, I might buy some new clothes on the tour.

I checked my phone to see the time and it was already getting late. I've been packing all afternoon and I still haven't finished! I ran to my bathroom and I got my toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and some dental floss. I then grabbed anything else that I would need.

An our later it was almost midnight and I had finished packing up. I'm not going to be singing and I'm really stressed out, I'll just get some sleep. As I was getting into bed the doorbell rang. Who could it be this late at night? I went downstairs and I opened the door to see who it was.

"L-len? What are you doing here?" I asked confused and surprised. "I-" Len was beginning his sentence but then he had a massive nose bleed. "What's wrong?" I asked very confused. "You're not wearing a bra...." Len pointed out. "Well yeah, I was about to sleep. I can't sleep in a bra, they're so uncomfortable. I guess I forgot" I said.

Len wasn't talking so I decided to let him inside and get him a tissue. "So, why are you here?" I asked. "Well, I didn't want to be alone in my hotel room. It gets really cold at night." Len said. "And you decided to sleep over at my house?" I asked but I obviously knew the answer.

"Correct~" Len said happily. "What about your luggage?" I asked. "It's in my car" Len said. "Okay, well then let's go to my room. I was just about to sleep." I said walking up the stairs and into my room.

We got in my room and we both climbed into my bed. "Goodnight Len" I said as I turned off the lights. "Goodnight [Y/N]" Len said while he wrapped his arms around me and held me in a tight embrace. "I love you" Len whispered in my ear. "I love you to" I said and we both drifted off to sleep.

Hey!! :D well I'm in a really good mood so I had some ideas! Here's a short update and I hope all of you like it ^-^ bye for now <3

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