Sharing a Room With Len

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POV: [Y/N]
These three days went by really fast, I can't believe I'm leaving today. "Be safe" Rin said as tears fell down her cheeks. "I'll miss you" I said hugging her and we both started to cry. "Don't forget that your best friend will be here waiting for you" Rin said. "Who, Miku?" I asked with a laugh and pulling apart from the hug. "No silly, me!" Rin said as we both cheered up. "Bye Rin" I said grabbing my suitcases and exiting the room. I met up with Len and we got on the tour bus that would take us to Tokyo. "You kids will be riding around in this tour bus for months, our first stop is Tokyo and we'll go to other places all over Japan." The principal said. "Good luck" the principal said and he got off the tour bus. "I'll take the bottom bunk" Len said. "Okay" I said putting stuff in the small slot that would be my bed. "I think we should be friends since we'll be together for five months" I said hoping that over time we'd be more than friends. "Okay" Len said. We arrived at Tokyo a few hours later and checked into a hotel, we saw a few kids and I knew that they were here to compete. Len and I arrived at our room, I wish we would've gotten separate rooms.... "So, this is going to be awkward" I said. "It might be for you but not for me" Len said. 'What is that boy thinking?' I thought. "At least there's two beds" I said. "That's a bad thing" Len said. "Len! Stop. I thought you didn't like me, please don't play around like that" I said. "I never said I didn't like you" Len said. "Well then, you should think about your emotions" I said stepping out of the room for fresh air.
POV: Len
I think I got her mad. "Think about your emotions" her words kept playing through my mind. 'I like her but I don't like her, that doesn't make sense!' I thought. She's just so beautiful but we always compete with each other, at school she tried to get better grades than me but we always scored the same, in music class she'd always try to sing better than me but we'd get the same amount of cheers from our classmates. We would always but flirt but it meant nothing, well at least to her I think. I hope I figure this out before we leave Tokyo. Some minutes later [Y/N] came back and I think she was crying. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah" she said sitting on the bed that would be hers for three days. There was a knock on the door so I opened it. "Hi, I'm Alex an I'll be your tour manager" a tall guy said. "Hi Alex" [Y/N] "do you have news for us?" I asked. "Yes I do, you guys will be getting assigned a song tomorrow and will be learning it for two days, on the third day here you will be performing it." Alex said. "Okay, thanks for letting us know" [Y/N] said. "You're welcome. Now do you have any questions?" Alex asked looking at both of us. "No" we both responded. "Okay, well if you need anything I'll be in the room next door" Alex said leaving the room. "Well, I'm going to take a shower" [Y/N] said getting her towel and clothes. "I'll go to" I said and I got smacked in the face with a towel. "Len you pervert!" She yelled and ran into the bathroom. "Ouch" I said rubbing my left cheek. I sat on my bed and texted Rin.

Len: hi
Rin: hi, how are you? Wait I don't care about you, how's [Y/N]?
Len: it's great to know that my sister loves me. [Y/N] is fine, she's taking a shower.
Rin: you better not walk in on her
Len: I won't, she locked the door
Rin: you're disgusting!
Len: I am not!
[Y/N] came out of the bathroom with only a towel on and she blushed like crazy once I saw her. "You pervert!" She yelled as blood poured out of my nose. "It's not my fault you came out with only a towel on!" I said. "I forgot my clothes on my bed" she said as she grabbed her clothes and than to the bathroom.
Rin: Len? Len answer!
Len: what?
Rin: did you not read any of my previous texts?
Len: sorry, something happened
Rin: what happened?
Len: [Y/N] came out in just a towel
Rin: what? You guys are sharing a room? How many beds are in the room?
Len: two
Rin: that ruined my fun.
Len: and you call me a pervert?
Rin: ily bye~

[Y/N] came out and she was still blushing. "Thanks for that show earlier" I said with a smirk as I walked into the bathroom to shower. "Pervert!" She yelled as I closed the door. I finished my shower brushed my teeth and walked out. I saw [Y/N] in her bed sleeping, she's so cute. I think I might like her. I got in bed with her and hugged her, I wonder how she'll react. To my surprise she was fast asleep. "Len, I lo-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence and turned around. I blushed because our faces were centimeters apart. 'How does she manage to stay beautiful in her sleep and without wearing makeup' I thought as I leaned in to kiss her. "L-len?!?" She said surprised. She woke up, bad timing. "You're dreaming" I whispered in her ear. "Really?" She mumbled. "Yeah" I said. "Were we going to kiss" she mumbled half asleep. "Yes we were" I said kissing her on the lips and she kissed back, a few seconds was fast asleep. "Goodnight" I whispered in her ear before I got up to go in my own bed. 'She teased me first now it's my turn' I thought before quickly falling asleep.
Here's another update for you guys. I hope you are all enjoying it. Thanks for reading

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