The Competition Day

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POV: [Y/N]
I woke up at three a.m. and I couldn't sleep. "HEY LEN" I whispered/yelled. "What?" Len asked in a sleepy voice. "I'm scared" I said and Len got out of his bed and sat down next to me. I sat up and Len put his arm around my shoulder bringing my head to his chest. "I'm sure you'll do great now get some sleep, it's three a.m." Len said getting up but I grabbed his hand. "C-can you stay here with me?" I asked a little bit shyly. "Yeah, sure" Len said laying in bed next to me. I blushed at how close we were, he was facing me with a cute smile. "Thanks" I said and Len hugged me bringing me close to him. I could feel him breathing and I blushed harder because we were now really close to each other.
~•time skip•~
I woke up and I blushed seeing that Len was still in my bed and he looked really cute. "Hey Len" I said. "hmm?" Len said. "Uh, today's the competition" I said nervously as I sat up. "Oh yeah" Len said as he also sat up and I noticed that he was shirtless. 'How did I not notice that las night?' I asked myself as I blushed. "I'll just go change now" I said getting some of my best clothes and changing into it. I got ready in the bathroom and when I was done I came out, I looked at myself in the big mirror that was in the room. I had on a short spaghetti-strap dress with black heels and I black bow in my hair. "Wow" Len said as he looked at me. "You better close your mouth, you'll catch a fly" I said patting Len's shoulder. He finished getting dressed and met Alex in the lobby. "Hey kids, I'll show you the way to the room." Alex said guiding us to a big room filled with chairs and kids sitting in them, at the front of the room there was a judges table with three chairs Gakupo, Prima, and Meiko were sitting in the chairs; in front of the table there was a big stage with a microphone set up and stage lights. "Don't be so nervous, everything will be okay" Len said grabbing my hand. "Are both of you dating?" Alex asked as he looked at our hands. "N-no, we're just friends" Len and I said blushing and he let go of my hand. "Okay, well both of you are in the sixth row on the left" Alex said as he exited the room. "Everyone, please settle down. We will begin now" meiko said and she called a boy up to the stage. They called up a few boys and they were all good, "Kagamine Len, please come up to the stage" I heard. "Good luck" I said as Len got up to the stage. He started to sing and it was amazing! He wasn't shy like all the other boys, he was singing and dancing and it looked like he was having fun. 'He's going to win' I thought and then Len finished singing, he got a standing ovation. "You did great!" I said excitedly as he sat back down. "Thanks" Len said with a big smile. The rest of the boys went and then the girls went up. "[L/N] [F/N] please come up to the stage" meiko said and those six words made me freeze. "It's okay [Y/N], you'll do great!" Len said with a smile and I calmed down. 'I'm the most popular girl in school and I'm not shy, why should I be afraid of a little competition' I thought I walked up to the stage and started singing, I decided to dance around a little and I tried to make a lot of eye contact with the judges and crowd. I finally finished singing and I sat back down. "Everyone loved your singing, I did to" Len said. "Thanks" I said but Len did better than me. I'm really scared now.

I'm sorry for not updating on a regular basis but school ends next week for me and I'll be able to update more frequently.

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