Will You Marry Me

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POV: {Y/N}
That afternoon I decided to call Len and see how he was doing but I didn't get good news. He was going on tour and I wouldn't be able to see him for another two years.

[Phone conversation]
{Y/N}:When are you leaving?
Len: by the end of this week
{Y/N}: but today's Saturday. Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Len: I know.... I know we won't have a lot of time to be together and I just found you, there was no way I could've told you earlier but I think we should talk about this in person.
{Y/N}: okay, you should come to my house. We can talk here
Len: okay, I'll be there
{Y/N}: okay, bye.

[End of phone conversation]

As soon as I hung up my phone the doorbell rang. Coming~ I yelled as I walked out of my room and down the stairs to see who it was. I opened the door and a handsome tall man with bright yellow hair and breathtaking eyes. Yes, it was Len. It was my Len and he was here like he said he would.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked. "I've always been here" Len said. "Stalker" I said playfully punching him. "Your stalker" Len said taking my hand and kissing it. "haha, very funny. Now aren't you coming in?" I asked but I dragged him in before he could answer.

"So.....what's happening?" I asked getting serious. "Well, I don't want to leave you but I also don't want to stop singing." Len said. "Then, what do you want?" I asked. "I want both, and I always get what I want." Len said. "You're so spoiled. What's your plan?" I said letting out a small smile and giggle. Len smiled and said, "well I talked to my manager and he said that you can join me for the whole tour"

"What? Really? You're not lying right?" I asked surprised. Len laughed at all my sudden questions but his smile became brighter. "After the tour I was planing to get married" Len said and tears welled up in my eyes. "With who" I asked as my smiled slowly faded. "With a beautiful girl who I absolutely love" Len said with his eyes sparkling. And all this time I thought he loved me... I was about to say something but I was interrupted by Len.

He got down on one knee and he took out a small red box, he opened it and his next words surprised me. "[Y/N], will you marry me?" Len asked with the biggest smile ever and his eyes showed and expression of love that I would only see in movies.

"Len I......yes" I didn't know what to say but I knew I loved Len and I wanted to marry him. Len slid the ring on my finger and he got up while he brought me in for a tight hug and he then passionately kissed me. "We'll get married a day after the tour." Len said.

"I don't know if I can wait two years" I said not wanting to let him go. He lightly chuckled and he kissed the top of my head. "Well have our own tour bus" Len whispered into my ear. "We're not doing anything in that bus" I said. "Don't be that way [Y/N]" Len pouted. "You can't always get what you want" I said.

"I'm Len Kagamine, I always get what I want" Len said with a smirk. "You spoiled boy" I said letting him go and crossing my arms. "I'm not a boy. I'm a man" Len said with a playful smile. "Then start acting like one" I said returning the smile.

After a while Len had to leave and I had to pack for the tour. I can't believe I just found my ex boyfriend a day after his concert and now we're getting married. I looked at the ring and smiled. It was beautiful! I then walked up to my room and I started packing. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon and I'm already really nervous.

I'd like to say sorry for not updating in two week, I wasn't at home and I didn't have time to do anything. I hope all of you like this chapter~

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