The interview

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The title sounds like a movie title cx

Pov: (y/n)
The next morning I woke up at 4 am and I couldn't fall asleep. I stared at the bunk over my head and remembered I was still in the tour bus. I looked over at Len and he was sleeping like an angel. I really didn't want to wake him up so I just laid in silence.

I eventually got thirsty and got up to get some water. I was nervous for the interview, what would I say? What would I wear? What if I say something stupid and the whole world makes fun of me? My anxiety was building up by then so I decided to calm down and drink my water.

I got back in bed, it was peaceful and quiet. I didn't like it. I grabbed my phone and my earbuds and I listened to music. I laid there my eyelids slowly growing heavier, soon enough I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was finally asleep.

"(Y/n)" I heard a voice calling. "(Y/n) it's Len, wake up" I was being shaked. "(Y/n) we have to be out of here in an hour" Len said. By this time I knew I wasn't dreaming so I decided to wake up but before I could open my eyes a pair of lips crashed with him.

My eyes flew open but I immediately closed them again and kissed him back. "I'm awake" I said smiling when he pulled apart. Len laughed and continued to get ready. I got out of bed and put on a nice black dress. It wasn't to long in length, just a little above my knees. I paired it with some black heels and silver jewelry.

I decided to curl my hair and I moved on to my makeup. I grabbed my makeup bag and made my way to the restroom. "Len are you almost done?" I asked noticing that he was in there fixing his hair. "No, my hair isn't staying in place" Len said hair spraying every centimeter of his gold locks.

"Okay" I said wondering what I'd do now. Did I even bring a mirror with me? I thought to myself. Then I remembered that I did, I got my suitcase and looked for a small desk mirror I brought. "Here it is" I said to myself as I found it.

I sat down and put on my makeup, the process of putting it on is very relaxing. It's only stressful when I get to the eyeliner and eyebrows, one of them always comes out better than the other one.

                      ~•Time Skip•~

"Len we have to leave now" I said. "Okay, I'm going" Len said. "You've been fixing your hair for an hour" I said and he came out. "My hair has to be perfect" Len said. "Whatever, we have to go now or we'll be late" I said walking towards the door.

We walked over to the hotel where the interview would be taking place. We looked around to find the lounge where we would be. There was a camera crew and an interviewer sitting down waiting for us there were bodyguards surrounding the lounge and fans screaming once they saw us, I guess word got out that we'd be here.

The lounge had big glass doors and walls which meant that everyone outside of the lounge could see what was happening. The furniture was white and black, it looked elegant but it also looked modern. Len and I sat on a sofa next to the interviewer.

"Hello I'm Michael, I'll be your interviewer. Are the both of you ready to start?" The interviewer asked. "Yes we are" Len said smiling. We were handed microphones and the cameras were now on and we were live on tv.

"Hello I'm Michael here and today I'm joined by Kagamine Len and (l/n) (f/n)" Michael said. "Hello everyone" Len and I said smiling and waving at the camera. "Last night was the last concert for the both of you, how do you feel about that?" Michael said turning towards us. "I'm sad that it's over now, I was really have fun on tour with everyone" Len said. "I wish the tour would've been longer, I had a lot of fun singing and meeting my fans" I said with a smile.

"(Y/n) you're the newest Vocaloid and you were put in the tour at last minute, we all remember you from the competitions a few years ago. How does it feel to be singing again?" Michael asked. "It feels great actually and I'm glad I was givin this chance to be in the tour and join the group" I said.

                      ~•time skip•~

The interview has been going on for forty minutes now, Len was currently talking about all his hair products while I sat there smiling. I didn't notice there was a screen behind us until Michael put out a picture of Len carrying me bridal style and another picture of us kissing. I gasped and Len looked shocked, we had kept our relationship a secret in fear that crazed fans would hate on us.

"So for the last twenty minutes I'd like to talk about the rumors of your relationship. Is (insert ship name) real? We have some images with proof that it could be real" Michael said. Len and I made eye contact for at least thirty seconds before I began to speak. "It is true" I said holding up the hand with my engagement ring on it.

I could hear the fans outside gasp and scream. "We've been keeping it a secret for the whole tour" Len said. "When's the wedding?" Michael asked. "After the tour" I said. "You heard it folks (ship name) is real, thanks for watching the interview till next time" Michael said and we waved goodbye.

"Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions" Michael said as he walked away. Len and I smiled and we decided to greet the fans that were outside. They've been waiting for hours to meet us.

hehehe I didn't take months to publish another chapter this time cx hopefully I'll be back next week with another update. Ily guys and thanks for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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