Second Competition Final Part

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I'm not dead! I'm alive, sorry for not updating lately.

POV: {Y/N}
This time they called up kids row by row. Since there were less kids in this competition the time went by fast, the last kid in the fourth row was already done singing and he was getting off the stage. Len was already walking up to the stage, I would be next and I was really nervous. "It'll all be okay. I survived the first competition, I will win again.

"You did great Len!" I said once he got back. "I'm sure you'll be good too, now it's your turn to go up" Len said with a smile. "O-okay" I said as I got up and walked to the stage. I got up and nervously walked up to the stage, I grabbed the microphone and started singing. At first I was nervous but once time went by I lost myself in the music and I started dancing along.

When I finished I got off the stage and sat down next to Len. "You did great!" He said with a smile. "Really, thanks" You said smiling back while taking off the jacket you had on. "It's hot in here" You commented. "It is" Len said scooting in closer to you and putting his arm around your shoulder. 'I said it was hot and he gets closer to me' You thought but you didn't complain because you like being in his embrace.

When the competition was over we all exited the room and walked to our own rooms like last time. I was holding Len's hand and the I remembered I left my jacket in the competition room. "I forgot my jacket, I'll be back" I said letting go of Len's hand. "I'll go with you" Len said holding my hand again. "It's okay, you should go to the room and pack up" I said letting go of his hand again.

I walked back to the room and it was open so quickly got in and found my jacket but then I heard three voices, it was the judges! I hid behind the chairs hoping they wouldn't see me. They walked out from the back and they were talking. "If that girl [Y/N] does a good job in her next performance she'll definitely win!" Meiko said. "But she does need improvement in her confidence" prima said. "But she'll get used to performing soon" gakupo said. After they left I quickly got out of the room.

'I'm going to win' I thought and I couldn't concentrate on what was happening. I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into a few people and I also bumped into walls but I eventually got to my room and I walked in. I was happy that I would win but I think Len deserves to win. Rin told me that Miku wanted her to become a vocaloid so maybe if Len wins they'll let Rin become a new vocaloid too since they are twins.

"What's wrong?" Len asked. "Nothing" I said with a smile. "Are you sure?" Len asked. "Positive" I said getting my suitcase. "I'm just a little nervous for the last competition" I said as I packed my things. "Everything will be just fine" Len said kissing my cheek. 'No Len, everything will not be okay.....I'll leave him If I win.

Tears fell from my eyes and they wouldn't stop falling. "W-what's wrong" Len asked really confused as to what was happening. "Tears of joy, I'm just so happy to be with you" I said lying, these were tears of sadness. "I'll always be with you" Len said wiping the tears out of my eyes and gently pressing his lips against mine. I kissed him like it would be the last day we would see each other, I really didn't want to loose Len..

Here's an update! I forgot how fun it is to write, I'm so sorry for being absent ;-; I also can't wait to write the upcoming chapters so please keep reading~

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