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Pov: [Y/N]
"The competition has now ended, you all may now go back to your rooms. Your managers will bring your results up to your rooms. Thank you all for the wonderful performances" Meiko said with a smile. We all exited the room and made our way back to our own rooms. Len held onto my hand so that I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. We got to our room and got inside. "I hope Alex comes soon, I want to know how I did" I said anxiously. "Me too" Len said. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and we both knew it was Alex so I quickly opened the door, he handed me two envelopes each with our names on it and he let. I went over to Len and gave him his envelope, we quickly opened them. "What did you get?" Len asked. "I got a perfect score" I said relieved. "What did you get?" I asked. "I got a perfect score too" Len said. We were both moving on to the next competition. I hugged Len without thinking and I quickly released him. "Sorry" I said blushing like crazy, I still had a huge crush on him. "It's okay" Len said with a smile. "Really?" I asked surprised as my heartbeat increased. "Yeah, friends hug each other right?" Len asked. 'The damn friendzone' I thought as I felt my heart shatter into a million peaces. "Right" I said. I remember when I would give him a hard time, now it's him who's giving me a hard time. "Hey, [Y/N]?" Len asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Is it true that you used to liked me?" Len asked. "What?" I asked nervously. "That night we had a sleepover at Miku's house you said that you liked me" Len said. "D-did I really say that?" I asked. "Yes you did" Len said. "No, it's not true. I didn't used to like you" I said. "Oh" Len said looking at the floor. "I still do like you" I said blushing. "R-really?" Len asked. "Yeah, but I know you only like me like a friend" I said. "That's not true" Len said. "But you just friendzoned me a while ago" I said. "I did? I didn't mean to. I thought you only liked me like a friend so I didn't say anything" Len said. "Well, do you like me more than a friend" I asked. "Yeah" Len said and we both blushed. "S-so, do you want to b-be my girlfriend?" Len asked nervously. "Yes Len, I'll be your girlfriend" I said happily. "When we get back to school we shouldn't tell Rin, she's expecting for us to come back as a couple" I said. "Okay, we'll let her suffer" Len said. 'We're such an evil couple' I thought. "Okay, well I'm going to take a shower" I said. "Me too" Len said. "Len! We're only fourteen!" I said. "I know, I was just kidding" Len said laughing awkwardly while scratching the back of his head. "Maybe if we're still together when we're older" I said with a smile as I walked into the bathroom. I got out of the shower and Len got in after me, we didn't talk or make eye contact. Minutes later he got out and I quickly got into my bed and pulled the covers over my head. "What's wrong?" Len asked. "I-it's awkward!!" I said. "You think that too" Len said sitting on my bed next to me. "Yes, why is it so awkward?" I asked. "I don't know, it wasn't like this when we were friends" Len said trying to take the covers off of my head. "C'mon [Y/N], why won't you let me see your beautiful face?" Len asked and I blushed. "I can't anymore! Len you baka!" I said. "What did I do?" Len asked. "You were being really sweet" I said taking the covers off. "You're blushing~" Len said as he kissed my cheek. "Len, stop that!" I said turning as red as a tomato. "Okay, fine. I'll go to my bed now" Len said as he got up. "No, wait" I said. "What?" Len asked. "As your girlfriend, I would like for you to sleep with me" I said trying to hide my blush. "What?" Len asked with a smirk and pretending like he didn't hear what I just said. "Just come here!" I said patting the space next to me on my bed. "Okay" Len said as he got in bed with me. I turned the other way so that I wouldn't have to look at him. "Don't turn around" Len said and I turned to face him. He hugged me and I fell asleep in his embrace.

You and Len are dating now (  ¬ ω¬)

Don't forget you guys will be sharing a room all the time :0

I wonder what'll happen (⁃͈◡⁃͈ *)

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