I Promise I Won't

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POV: {Y/N}
The next morning I got up and made my way to my old highschool. I wanted to visit the place where I first met Len. I still remember that I bumped into him on the first day of school.

I reached the school and got inside. I walked around any made my way to my old dorm. I couldn't get into my old room since I no longer had the keys. I looked at the door an smiled like an idiot, who even smiled at doors?

A few minutes later I left and I decided to walk through the hallway where I first met Len. I turned a corner and I immediately bumped into someone. "Hey, I'm sorry about that" someone said helping me up. I got up and I saw bright blonde hair, shining blue eyes like no other, and a smile that completely melted my heart.

"L-len?" I asked staring at him. "Yeah, are you a fan?" He asked with an awkward smile. "No-I mean yeah, but I used to go to highschool with you" I said as calmly as possible but on the inside I was exploding with joy. "Really? Did I know you?" Len asked. 'Len you baka!' I thought as I mentally slapped him. "Yeah, we were close" I said. "What's your name?" He asked.

"My name is [Y/N]" I said. "[Y/N]? As in [Y/N] [L/N]?" Len asked surprised. "Yes that's me" I said smiling while pointing at myself. "Oh, I have something for you" Len said excitedly, he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. "Close your eyes and hold out you hands" Len said with a smile. I did as told and I felt something in my hands.

"You can open them now" Len said and I slowly opened my eyes, I saw what was in my hands and I felt like I was going to cry. "H-how did you find this?" I asked as I held up the necklace that was in the shape of my name. "Rin found it after you left. You know, I've actually been looking for you my whole life" Len said with an awkward smile.

"But weren't you going out with Neru?" I asked. "It was all fake. I'm pretty sure Neru would be happier with her phone" Len said. I smiled and I just couldn't resist but hug him. Len was surprised by the sudden contact but he hugged me back and I think Len got stronger because his grip on hugs got tighter.

"Len, have you been working out these past few years?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Len said. "Because...I can't.... Breath" I said slowly. "Oh, I'm sorry [Y/N]" Len said letting me go and he kissed my cheek. I turned bright red once I processed what just happened. "I'm sorry, it felt like we were still dating....I forgot" Len said while scratching the back of his head.

"You haven't changed at all" I said while I giggled and I also kissed his cheek, now it was his turn to become a tomato. "Hey I have to ask you something?" Len asked shyly. "What is it?" I asked. "W-will you be my fire flower?" Len asked nervously. "What?" I asked. "[Y/N], will you be my girlfriend..again?" Len asked and I turned fire truck red.

I said yes without hesitation and I hugged Len again. "But this time you can't break my heart" Len said as he held me in his arms. "I promise I won't" I said and Len kissed the top of my head. "I'm still taller" Len said patting the top of my head as he released me from the hug. "Hey! Don't make fun of me!" I said while pouting. "You're so adorable" Len said kissing my cheek.

If I say that I'll update soon, please don't believe me. I haven't had time to do anything and I especially haven't had time to write new chapters. Please be patient with me because I will update, just not everyday. Thank you for reading ^-^

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