I Married Len??

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POV: [Y/N]
I ran to my dorm and I was so out of breath, then I started to think of Len and how perfect his eyes are and his smile is so adorable and they way that he has his hair in a ponytail, he's just perf- why am I thinking about this??? I don't even like him! I can't! I hate him and that's all! My mind was going crazy so I decided to take a nice cool shower and stop thinking about him. I finished my shower and I saw Rin in the room. "What are you doing here?" I asked confused. "Do you not see what time it is?" Rin asked and I ran to my phone. "Almost ten!?" I asked surprised. What was I doing walking around the whole afternoon? Time goes by fast. I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. "Okay now I'll let you get ready for bed, tell me all about your date tomorrow! Goodnight" I said quickly falling asleep. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!" I woke up screaming. "Ahh! W-what happened???" Rin said scared. "I....you....your brother.......you're...... Please tell me I'm not your sister-in-law!" I said. "Wait what? Did you have a dream that you married Len?!?" Rin asked in an overly excited tone. "Yes! It was scary! What a nightmare!" I said trying to catch my breath. "Oh come on [Y/N]! I'm sure it wasn't bad! I'd love it if you were married to Len. Omg your children would be beautiful!" Rin said. "Ewww Rin! That's not......just. Eww" I said throwing a stuffed animal at her. There was a knock at the door, I'll open is Rin said. "W-what was....who?....what happened?" Len asked obviously scared with Oliver standing next to him. "[Y/N] and Len why do you guys scream so early in the morning?" Oliver said rubbing his one eye. "I had a nightmare!" We both said. "I got married to her!" Len said pointing at me. "I got married to him!" I said pointing at Len. "It was horrible!" We both said. "I said this once and I'll say it again, your children will be beautiful!" Rin said giggling and jumping. "Well I'm leaving now...." Oliver said walking out of the room and back to his dorm. "I'm going to leave now......" Len said as he heard what Rin said. "You scare me..." I said to Rin as I went back to sleep. "You're the one who screamed at five a.m.!" Rin said getting back in her bed. An hour later Rin and I woke up, "time to get ready for school" I mumbled as I got out of bed and stretched. After Rin and got dresses she started talking about her date on the way to class. "It was magical!" Rin said as we walked into class. "I'm glad you had fun!" I said smiling at her. I looked at Len and we both blushed and looked away.
~•time skip to last class because the other classes don't matter•~
"Okay class, I hope everyone has a song because you and your partner will be singing it in front of the class next Friday. You guys have a week to memorize it" Miss. Megurine said. Len and I looked at each other in annoyance. "You guys have to practice together" Rin said wiggling her eyebrows and making a face. "oh no" I said. She's definitely planing something. After class Rin and I walked back to our dorm. "What song are you and oliver singing?" I asked Rin. "Cendrillon" she said. "What song are you and Len singing?" She asked. "Romeo and Cinderella" I said as we reached our dorm. "It's Friday, finally I said slipping into some casual clothes on. "I'm going to Len and Oliver's room to practice, bye [Y/N]-chan" Rin said closing the door. I felt like going out so I fixed up my makeup but then I heard the door open. "Did you forget something Rin?"  I asked fixing my hair. "Rin let me out" I heard Len say and I turned around. "I knew she was planing something!" I said.
This is a short update but I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry if I made any errors but I was too lazy to correct any. Thanks for reading <3 bye~

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