Second Competition Pt.1

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POV: {Y/N}
"Len" I said shaking him. "Hmm?" Len asked sleepy. "I'm going to practice on the roof" I said. "Okay" Len said as he rolled over and continued to sleep. I quietly got out of the room and walked up to the roof of the hotel.  'The breeze feels nice' I thought.

I noticed that no one was here so I started singing and I lost myself in the song. I eventually started dancing around and then the door to the roof suddenly burst open. "Len!" I yelled. "You scared me" I said. "I'm sorry, I just thought it was a dream" Len said. "What was a dream?" I asked. "When you told me you'd be at the roof, I thought it was all a dream" Len said. "And you came up here to check if it was true?" I asked. "Yes, well now that I know it wasn't a dream I'll just go back to sleep" Len said as he started to walk away.

"Wait" I said before he left. "What?" Len asked. "Tomorrow's the competition, shouldn't you be practicing?" I asked. "Nope, I've already memorized the song" Len said. "But will you be able to sing the song correctly" I asked. "I always sing good" Len said. "But I'm better" I said. "We'll see in the third round when they choose the winner" Len said with a smile. "Oh it's on" I said smiling back and he headed off to our room.

I sat down on a bench that was up here and I thought about the final round which will be the next one. 'This went by so fast' I thought. 'What if he wins, he'll leave me.....but if I win I'll leave him.....' my thoughts were making me worry and I just didn't want to think about it anymore.

~·Time skip·~

I didn't notice how late it was, I quickly walked to the room and got in. "It's almost time for bed!" I said as I got in and got some clothes to take a shower. "What?" Len said looking at me. "You weren't listening?" I asked. "I was playing video games" Len said. "Like always" I said getting into the bathroom. After my shower I brushed my teeth and got in bed. "Goodnight Len, you should also sleep" I said. "Okay I will" Len said and I quickly fell asleep.

~·Next morning·~

Len and I decided to meet Alex in the lobby. "There he is" Len said. "Okay, let's go" I said walking up to Alex with Len beside me. "Both of you will be in the fifth row, I wasn't informed when you'd be up but good luck" Alex said and he left. Len and I made our way to our seats and waited patiently.

The second competition has started! What will happen next? You'll find out in the next chapter~

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