part 7

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ᴡʜᴏ ɪꜱ ʜᴇ?


jungkook sighed heavily. Your watery eyes came to his mind. she is too weak and fragly.He started unbuttoning his shirt. her eyes is holding something too much.

jungkook shook his head. why the fuck iam thinking about her. He looked at his mother's face in the photo on the wall. Her eyes resemble his mother's eyes.

You heard the birds chirping.


you slowly open your eyes. But your memories of yesterday came in front of you one by one.

Why am I so weak?,Who is he? What is his connection with this house?... He is not a thief.

You are scared again. You looked around. You slowly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom fresh.

She likes to bathe in cold water. When the cold water fell on her body. Goosebumps came all over her body. She started massaging her body with body scrub. But her thoughts were not here. It was towards that person she saw yesterday.

Who will it be? Whoever it was, his aura was very dangerous.

She sighed.

her eyes widen. Why am I thinking about him? Why am I still thinking about him even though he scared me like that yesterday?

You came out of the bathroom after your morning shower. The time is 6.30. You went to the mirror. You started combing your long hair. Someone came into that room.


When you turned around and saw her, you felt scared. she smrikked but that smrik turned to anger. She looked at you from head to toe. she clenched her jaw.

From now on you have to make food for everyone. You have to do all the work here alone. you silently noded.

you are just a maid here put it that in your dump mind.

Go and make me coffie.

She said

You went out of your room. The mantion was beauty full. You saw seya anty working on the kitchen with So many maids.

Everyone is doing their job. She asked me to do the work here alone since there were so many maids. But I'm fine, I like to work.

Everyone there saw you coming down. You smiled at everyone there. It seemed like everyone was murmuring something.

How beautiful to see her....

A beautiful girl.

You don't know what they are talking about.

Miyeon entered there. Did you come here to work or to stare at her? DO YOUR JOB YOU FUCKING SLUTS.

You all get paid monthly to work here right.

They all nodded.

how cruel she is. You thought to yourself. She looked at you.

Do you want me to tell you specifically to go to work?

She asked to you.

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