part 13

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ʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʜᴇʀ ᴄʀy


She looked up at the sky from the balcony.  Today the sky was more beautiful than usual. 

Dad, mom....

You looked up at the sky and started smiling softly. I am going to marry the person you both have decided. 

You bit your lips. 

You closed your eyes and started feeling the cold wind. 

I miss you both.

Suddenly his face came into your mind and you then suddenly opened your eyes. 

Jungkook shii and I are going through almost the same pain.  I can understand him. 

You looked down from the balcony and saw a car approaching.  The one who got out of that car.

J-jungkook shi. 

I don't know why my heart started beating faster than usual when I saw him.  Without thinking, you ran downstairs from the room to the living room.

When Jungkook reached the living room.his eyes widen. 


What is she doing in the living room at this time? 

When he looked at the time, it was past one o'clock. 

She bit her lips.

  Is she nervous?  I still maintained my cold face.  We both starred each other.

  He was starring at me without expression.  I don't know why I ran into the living room to see him now.iam embarrassing my self infront him.

He cleard his throt. I looked away.

By the time he was about to leave. 

Jungkook shii,Did you come here after eating?  I have made food.  Go and get fresh and I will heat the food by then.

he just nodded.

and obeyed what she said.

And then  started to walk from there.

Jungkook looked back at her and saw her going to the kitchen.  No one has ever waited so long for him.  Miyeon waits in between, but he doesn't mind. 

But this felt different to him.  The girl he is going to marry  and A beautiful girl too, Waiting for him.  A feeling that he had never felt before entered his mind. 

But he shrugged and went to his room.

You started heating the food.  I could see the pain in his eyes.  His eyes were so empty. 

You sighed.  You finished heating the food and took everything to the table.

After some time.  You were still deep in thought.  You heard someone clearing his throat. 

When you suddenly turned around.  You saw him with wet hair standing infront of you.

You gulped.

Verry  Handsome that what you can say.

'oh jungkook shii'.

I have heated all the food. 

He just nodded. 

He came sat down with out telling you anything.  You started serving the food that you made to the plate one by one.  And he eats in silence.

Hmmm i-iam s-so sorry jungkook shi that day,i  I called you a thief without knowing who you are. I'm sorry. 

When you apologized to him, he didn't say anything.

jungkook shii?.

You again called him

Can you  shut up cant you see iam eating.  I don't like talking while eating food. 

he said angrily.

You bite your lips. Your eyes started to fill tears. 

He finished eating the food

By the time he was gone, tears were streaming down your cheeks.  I didn't do anything.  Then why was he angry with me.

You said.

he dont like you slut

you suddenly looked back.

  'Mrs Jeon'. 

You bowed

She smirked

Did you think he will fall for your beauty?  Oh i'm sorry.  You are not that beautiful for that.  I can't believe you waited for him until one o'clock .

  Girls like you will do this and more.

you clenched your hand.

  No matter how hard you try, jungkook is never going to be yours. 

When you were ready to leave suddenly.  She caught your wrist.  where are you going. Anyway, make me a juice

. you silently nodded. 

Ahh I need mango juice.

You quickly wipe your tears.

Tobe continued.❤️

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