part 10

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She came towards you angrily.

what are you doing mrs jeon. Why are you scaring her like this. How can you do this. Aren't you a woman too, can't you understand the plight of this girl.

you were hiccuping badly.

y/n look dont cry seya wiped your tears.

miyeon rolled her eyes.

what a drama queen miyeon said.

She left with an angry face.

Seya sighed.

y/n here drink this. You picked up the glass and started drinking the water slowly. Seya was very sad to see you in this condition.

iam ok anty its just s-she i know iam weak.

Y/n said

shhh seya hugged her tightly.

Under any circumstances you guys should ever inform uncle hyuk of these things that happened here.

y/n said to the bodyguards

But y/n mam, mr jeon has strictly told us that if there is any problem with madam, we should inform mr jeon immediately.

you sighed.

its okay for me pls,you said to him.

but y/n madam. How can you forgive that woman so quickly. Didn't she insult you that badly.

the body guard said to you.

please just this last time you said with a pleading tone.

She stood under the shower fully clothed. That cold water started falling on her body and she started crying. Everything that happened these days was more than she could bear. It's okay if miyeon doesn't like her but why she hurt her like this.

She felt some kind of relief as the cold water fell on her body. She started removing the dress from her body one by one.

If something happens to her, hyuk uncle will be upset so she starts heating the bathtub water.

She went down to the tub and lay down.

She closed her eyes.Can anyone take away all the pain I'm going through right now? I'm not sure what my life will be like.

His bodyguard was standing around him. They didn't let anyone near him.

yes he is in the club now. All the girls there are trying to seduce him. But he paid no attention to them. Many girls were trying to approach him but all of them were being stopped by the bodyguards

You know I'm a BC person. Then why did you force me to come here.

Jungkook said

The reason he came to the club is because of his best friend Wooyoung.

Jungkook just looked around some girls are biting their lip while looking at him. He felt really disgust on them.

Jungkook, have you seen all those girls.What a figure to see them all. There are many pleasures here that you don't know about.

Wooyoung said

Jungkook sighed.

What are you trying to tell me? Jungkook asked him.

I know you're still a virgin

he said.

Wooyoung can you shut up? Now I understand what you mean. y/n is my future wife. I can't think of anyone else but her. One night stand is not my thing. Even though you are my best friend, I never liked your idea

Jungkook look I  iam just joking man  why did you take it so seriously.

Wooyoung said to Jungkook.

And Why did you keep telling me even though you know I don't like it?

Jungkook  glared him

Please forgive me, I won't say such things to you again.

Wooyoung told him.

That was a good decision

jungkook  said

Y/n?... Y/n where are you how long have I been looking for you.where have you gone.

But y/n didn't answer her question. She started searching the whole room and finally she came to the bathroom.

The bathroom is locked from the inside. Then she realized that y/n was inside the bathroom. What was Y/n doing in the bathroom taking so long.

Seya thought in her mind.


she started knocking on the bathroom door and started calling.

on the other side.. y/n lay in the bathtub and unconsciously fell asleep.y/n heard someone calling from outside the bathroom.

She suddenly got up in shock.

Huh? Where iam i. Oh my god did I fall asleep here?. She took the nearby towel and wrapped it around her body.

Oh my y/n.Do you know what you scared me?

Y/n smiled at her.

Y/n why Did  you cry?. Why your eyes like this, did you cry again.

Seya sighed.

Look at this y/n you are too beautiful. and a verry good girl and innocent too.You must remember one thing. You have many enemies around you. That  women here is one of them. You know who it is.

Y/n nodded.

So you should listen carefully to what I am saying. mr jeon brought you here and Mrs. Jeon have no right to hurt you like this.

Seya cupped your cheek. She like to keep everyone under her feet like a puppet y/n . Don't be her puppet

To be continued ❤️

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