Part 26

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ᴛʜᴇ ᴄɪᴛy ᴏꜰ ʟᴏᴠᴇ



  The man was gripping his neck harshly

I-iam sorry sir,  We couldn't find her .Even from outside We can't look inside the mansion.  Jeon mantions security is so tight.


Mr. Park grabbed his hair tightly

I will give you one week  Just one weak  If you don't get any information in it  your death is certain and   it will be by my hand. 

He said angrily.

Calm down honey,  We can't help but find some way open  we can wait until that way opens up. 

hemi said

  I want her hemi  If  we get her signature  Her property is our own.

You quickly grabbed his hand

y/n u okay  Is it your first time? 

He asked to me. 

No I have gone with my father and mother before this  But iam just scared.

  jungkook grabbed your hand and started stroking your hand slowly.

  I have told you that you'll never be afraid as long as I'm here. 

You smiled at him

Hmmm I know 

You said

Then you looked out the window  full of clouds could be seen  It was beautiful.

  There will be no one to disturb him and you for the next 3 days.  You bite your lips. 

Suddenly he started untying the chain around your neck.

  J-jungkook shii wh-what are doing? 

He removed the chain from your neck and took it in his hand.

  He took the ring from it and slowly put it in your hand 

These days I will be with you only  So I want to see this ring on your hand.

  Then he turned the chain in his hand and put it on your neck.

  You couldn't contain your joy when he did this.

  Thank you so much God for everything.  How happy I am now Maybe if he didn't come into my life i don't know what will become of my life.  Thank you again.

Woahhhhh how beautiful this place is  You started looking outside. 

Jungkook chuckled

  Both of you are inside the car now.  Bodyguards were following in the cars behind you.

You just sitting in the car  looking outside Jungkook was driving.

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