4.For the Love of Luna-Mia💫

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And what a specimen of a man he was. Adonis had nothing on him. He was perfectly sculptured, the Greek God had nothing on him. His body looked like the kind developed by scientists in a lab, a genetically enhanced specimen. Octavia couldn't help but roam her eyes over his broad sculptured shoulders, scrubboard abs, and holy mother of hell.

A 12-inch dick did exist, he was gorgeously sculptured, the Gods took their time with this one. And to add to the fact that he had smooth chocolate tone skin, that was dark enough that he was white but light enough that he was black.

Octavia continued to assess him as she noticed that he was erect. She was sure she was the cause of that. A sense of pride swelled deep inside of her. She wasn't a shy person at all, especially when it came on to her sexual gratification. She took what she needed and then left...no games, with no commitment.

But as she continued assessing him, she continued assessing him she noticed his dark hair and then his eyes. His eyes were a unique shade of green, one she had never seen in another human being...turquoise.

Just like the sea of the Caribbean waters and all she wanted to do was to drown in them.

"Luna Mia, you do know who she is, what she is."

Atlas asked his little sister as she nodded.

"Of course, I do. She is an assassin; her blade was a dead giveaway."

Luna-Mia said as Atlas looked at his sister proudly. She had done well. He thought she had no idea who she was.

"Good. So, you understand why we must kill her."

Atlas asked as Octavia's breathing because sharp and panic started flooding her system, along with adrenaline and another more inconvenient hormone.

"No, I will not allow Atlas, she could have killed me, but she didn't. She showed me kindness so I believe we should show her the same."

Luna Mia reasoned as Alpha Atlas shook his head at her reasoning. Whoever said it was a good idea to agree with a fifteen-year-old, had never met his sister.

"So, Luna-Mia, what do you suppose we do with her?"

Atlas asked as Luna-Mia walked up to Octavia and took her hand.

"We teach her."

Luna-Mia said as Atlas couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"So, let me get this straight. This woman wants to kill werewolves. You're a werewolf, I'm a werewolf and your solution is to take this, this...creature inside our home and teach it. It's like training a lion and expecting it to behave like a house cat."

Atlas said as Luna-Mia pouted and walked to her brother.

"I would be dead if not for her."

Luna-Mia said as Atlas ran his hands through his silvery-blonde hair.

"Fuck, but I'm putting her in the deepest cell I can find. wouldn't give a hunter free range to our home. The next thing I wake up with my head detached from my shoulders."

Atlas said as he heard a ruffle from the nearby bushes. He could smell his Beta before he showed himself, and it seemed his Huntress had picked up on it too. Beauty and brains, what a combination.

"I see you have found our runaway. You nearly gave everyone a heart attack, Luna-Mia. What the hell were you thinking?"

Beta Riggs chastised lightly as Luna-Mia looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry. Uncle Riggs, I just wanted to take a walk, I meant no harm."

Luna-Mia said as shrugged wondering why it was so damn worrying if she took a walk. Technically she was a werewolf princess, so that was where some of that worry must have stemmed from.

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