19.The Alpha King's Ball💫

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The Alpha King's Ball was the most important event on a werewolf's social calendar. The room was decorated with gold and white colours, which gave it the ambience of being wealthy and powerful, fit for royalty. As they entered the throne room, all eyes turned to them. Apparently, Octavia's and Atlas' status had reached even the ears of the very king.

"As I live and breathe, Luna Octavia what a pleasure. It is lovely to see you again Alpha Atlas."

Queen Sutton said as Atlas smiled at her.

"You flatter us my Queen."

Atlas said as King West Stone motioned them to come closer.

"Enough of this honorific we are well past that. Are the rumors true? Did you lock your mate in a prison cell? Did you kill her grandmother? Did she really try to kill you? And most importantly, why would you bring a werewolf assassin into my home?"

King West bellowed as guards rushed in from every corner and surround them. Alpha Atlas pushed Octavia behind him in a protective stance. Octavia pushed his hand away and assumed a defensive stance of her own.

"I go down swinging. I thought you love me; I never knew you were bringing me an ambush."

Octavia said as Atlas smirked at her.

"If I was ambushing you, I would be on the other side. Now stay behind me."

Atlas said determined to protect the woman he loved if it was the last thing he did.

"That is quite enough."

Sutton said barely over a whisper, but everyone heard her. The guards bowed and lowered there weapons and backed away from them.

"My Queen, she is a traitor to our community, why would you spare her?"

Atlas asked as Sutton smiled at them.

"Things are not normally as black and white as we paint them. My father killed your mother in cold blood, and you killed my entire pack for it. And yet here we are, mates and rulers of the werewolf nation. I implore you my King to allow them to talk, hear their stories. We have present with us Alpha West Stone, Alpha King Silas, Alpha Tyler Evans, Alpha Logan, Alpha Rhys, Alpha Aspen and Alpha Kingston. Let us hear, what they have to say and then our Alphas and most benevolent King can make a final decision."

Alpha Sutton said as Alpha West realized why he loved her so much.

"You have forgotten one very important Alpha my dear, yourself. I sure everyone here would agree that you also deserve a say."

Alpha West said as Sutton blushed.

"I would be honored."

Sutton said as everyone sat down and prepared to listen to Octavia.

"The floor is yours my dear, ...convince us."

Alpha King Silas urged as Octavia stood up and walked proudly to her "Execution" (because that was exactly what it felt like). If this was the last thing, she was going to be honest.

"I was thirteen years old, the first time I realized that werewolves existed. One of them had broken into the home I shared with my grandmother and had brutally murdered her on the kitchen floor. I still remember how red the floor was, her blood ran like a river, and her body was torn to shreds, that I didn't have much of anything to bury. I had escaped by running out into my grandmother's garden and shoved her Hori Hori into his heart. It transformed into its human form/ As fate would have it, I met Zyair and was recruited into Hunter's Inc. My first assignment was to kill Alpha Atlas, but instead I ended up meeting his sister, Luna-Mia. It was the first time I was meeting a werewolf child and she challenged everything I thought I knew about werewolves. When her brother showed up a few minutes ready to kill me, this little girl stood in front of me, protecting me from the big bad Alpha."

Octavia took a deep breath and smiled at Alpha Atlas and the continued.

"Atlas was conflicted at what to do with me, because not only was I an assassin sent to kill him, I was also his mate. But Luna-Mia had already figured that out in her 13-year-old brain. She suggested I be taught your ways."

Everyone in the room was hanging on to her every word.

"While in prison, his bravest soldiers were afraid to guard me as they said that as the Luna, I have power over them, power that I had no idea that I had. Eventually, Atlas let me out of my cell and along with Luna-Mia, and the rest of his wonderful pack members, I learnt that not all werewolves were monsters. That you are kind and sweet. I don't regret the monsters I've killed, thankfully all the wolves I've executed to date were all rouges. I'm just glad I was able to meet Atlas and experience a love that transcended all understanding. If I am to die, all I ask is that Alpha Atlas be spared. His only crime was loving me, and he shouldn't be held accountable for that. I love him too much, and it would kill me if he was harmed because of my actions."

Octavia whispered at the end, with tears falling from her face, as Atlas made his way closer to her. He held her in his arms as he kissed her in front of everyone present. And just like that the world melted away and they were the only two persons in the room. The awes of the kingdom echoed as all the Alphas nodded in agreement.

"Your punishment shall be this. You must live your entire lives as mate to Alpha Atlas. What the Moon Goddess has put together..."

Alpha King Silas started as everyone present responded.

"Let no wolf break apart."

That was the whole essence of being a werewolf. It was there most absolute law. Alpha Silas started to smile, and he signaled for the DJ to turn up the music.

"This is a party after all, let there be dancing and music. What a joyous occasion this is. We most certainly have a lot to celebrate. We have a new Luna on our midst, Luna Octavia."

King Silas said as he officially recognized Octavia as a Luna of the pack. Alpha Atlas released a breath that seemed to be lodged in his throat, while his hand settled on the small of Octavia's back. He discreetly led her outside on the balcony, then down the stairs, he led her through the Queen's Garden.

The Queen's Garden was planted specifically for the Lunas of the pack. It was their special place, for them to relax. It was a place where they could let their hair down even if only for a minute. Atlas' hand remained on Octavia back guiding her through the maze by smell.

"You were amazing little assassin. I told you they would love you."

Atlas said as Octavia looked at him as if he had lost all of his senses.

"Am I the only one who noticed the death stares when Alpha West mentioned I was an assassin?"

Octavia asked as Atlas chuckled.

"I had already informed them about you. I have to write monthly report and they received a report on everything we had been through, from your kindness at sparing Luna-Mia's life to the death of your grandmother, to your heritage with the league of assassin, they know. But I wouldn't care if they didn't approve of you. I am willing to give up my title for you."

Alpha Atlas said as Octavia looked at him as if he had grown two heads.

"But you love being Alpha."

Octavia said as that was an absolute certainty she knew about Atlas.

"I do, but if I had to had to choose between being an alpha and you, the choice is painfully obvious."

Alpha Atlas said as he moved closer to her.

"And what is that choice?"

Octavia asked although she already knew the answer.

"You, there was never a choice, the answer was always you."

Alpha Atlas said closing the distance between them as his lips descended on hers.

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