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It was such a simple word. Four letters can mean a million different things to a million different people. No two persons on this earth, not even twins, experience pain in the same way.


Octavia thought she had know the meaning of pain, growing up without both parents. She knew pain, the moment her grandmother's life was snuffed out by those animals. But this was a different type of pain.


Definition-when the one person in the world who was supposed to love you no matter what doesn't.


Synonymous with the word Alpha Atlas Ryder

She understood pain

She felt pain

She lived in pain.

She breathes in pain.

He knew the moment that she had left the pack house. The pain inside of them finally snapped and they both realized that maybe they couldn't be more than what they already were...


And Werewolf Hunter.

It was a little after 5 pm, but Octavia knew the sun would soon set, and she would need to find cover for the night. She knew from experience that there were scary things that came out at night, even an apex predator like herself, could easily become prey.

She was smarter and stronger than any rouge werewolf she would find, but the problem was that she would find out there. But the problem was if they attacked her a collected whole, she was dead.

All she could do we to keep moving...to keep breaking and find some shelter. Tomorrow would be better, it had to be.


"Alpha, they're here!"

Beta Riggs yelled as Alpha Atlas yelled to the pack.

"You all know what to do!"

He said as all the women and children, the elderly and those unable to fight all made their way to the packed cellar.

He has to make a stand.

He would eradicate them. How dare they threaten his pack, his family? But ultimately, he was the one.to blame, he was the only one who went and fell in love with an assassin.

"Alpha, we take them."

Beta Riggs asked as everyone parted the way and allowed Alpha Atlas to walk up to him. He was every bit as dangerous as he looked. He recognized him immediately from Octavia's description

"Kolten, you have five seconds to get the fuck off my land before I rip you apart."

Atlas said as Kolten snapped a finger and after a whole hoist the assassins pointed their weapons at him. He could see other members holding their own against the hunters.

"It's a pity the Huntress wasn't here to see the demise of the people, no my bad, the animals she chose over us."

Koltem said as Atlas noticed the way he has phrased his words.

"What do you mean she chose is over you?"

Atlas said as Kolten smirked.

"Oh, you didn't know. Octavia, or as I know her, The Huntress, was sent to the pack to assassinate the alpha. But after a while, she blocked out all communications. She didn't know anything about the tracking device by the way. We knocked her unconscious for that part. So you're going to die knowing that you turned your back on the one person who loves you above all. She chose to betray the organization, her only family, for you. And from what I've heard, you banished her from your pack. How fickle this so-called mate bond is. Some mate you turned out to be."

His words pierced through his heart like a bullet. What was even worse was that he spoke no lies. Every word he utter was a knife to his gut. Every word he said was true.

"I'm going to rip you to pieces."

Atlas said as he transformed into Xandros. 'I will deal with you later.' Xandros said to Atlas as he focused on the battle in front of him. And at that moment, Atlas realized just how. badly he had fucked up. He gulped. He knew that conversation with his wolf wasn't going. to be a pretty one.

In his wolf form, atlas was gigantic at over 7ft tall and 200lbs of raw muscle packing. His eyes connected with Kolten and in his mind, he had seen at least a hundred ways to kill him.

She wasn't sure which would give her the most pleasure. They circle each other each waiting for the other to make their move, running at the alpha with full force with a knife, he slid as alpha Xandros easily evaded him.

He smiled remembering that had been one of the tactics his mate had used during their training seasons. Even now she was saving him from death.

'Fuck, he loved her.' He didn't know when it had happened, he didn't know how it had happened, but somehow Octavia had crawled into that deep dark abyss he called a heart and something inside him grew that day.

It started so small and so insignificant that he wasn't able to recognize it at first. He was a modern-day Grinch of Christmas. But now he knew the truth...

....He was irrevocably in love with his Assasin Octavia Harper Lee.

He was not going out this way. She had to know how he felt about her. How much he had royally fucked things up, and how much he loved her.

The pain acted as a wake-up call, as he reached to the side and plucked the weapon out with his teeth. His eyes turned red as Xandros knew exactly what was happening.

He was going feral. Red haze littered his vision as all the wolves and assassins in the vicinity stopped fighting and watched the match keenly. Alpha Xandros seemed to have grown even bigger as he stalked him.

"You hurt my mate."

Xandros said as Kolten looked at him surprised. He didn't know that Alpha could use human language while.in wolf form.

"You did a pretty good job of that all by yourself. First, I'm going to kill you, then I'm going to fuck your mate until..."

But the words were lodged in his throat. If you blink you would have missed the moment when Xandros ripped into his abdomen, with complete efficiency, that his small intestines littered the floor.

The Assassin who had come with him, all tucked tail (figuratively of course), and ran to the mountains.

"Should we give chase?"

Beta Riggs asked as Alpha Atlas turned human and shrugged.

"Don't waste your energy, how many of ours died?"

Alpha Atlas asked as Beta Riggs hung his head in sorrow.


He confirmed as Alpha Atlas nodded.

"That's three times too many. Hold a ceremony for each. Take over the pack for a while?"

Atlas pleaded as Beta Riggs nodded.

"So what do you want to do with picking guys over here?"

He asked referring to Kolten. Alpha Atlas extended his claws and with one powerful sweep, he dislocated Kol ten's head from his shoulders.

"Well, that's one way to send a message."

Beta rings said as Alpha Atlas walked stark naked toward the woods.

"Where are you going?"

Beta Riggs asked as Alpha Atlas smiled.


He answered ready to set to a run.

"Well, you might what to get some fucking pants on. They frown on these types of things in polite society."

Beta Riggs said as he handed him some clothes.

And the beta of the year award goes to...

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