28.Pillow Talk💫

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Atlas and Octavia lay lazily in bed, as Arlas ran his fingers up and down her spine. They basked in each other's company as if they had nothing to do but bask in the post-glow of sex.

"Tell me something I don't know."

Octavia asked as Atlas smiled down at her, kissing her hair lightly before answering her question.

"Well, I was born on January 22, 1994. I was raised to be an alpha, and I love the taste of your pussy."

Atlas as Octavia chuckled.

"I already knew two out of those three things."

She complained as Atlas shuddered. What could he say, his life was an open book. He didn't do his alpha duties by day and fucked his mate senseless at night. And in all honestly, that was all he ever truly need to be fulfilled.

"What about you?"

Atlas inquired as Octavia relaxed in his arms. One of the best things about their relationship was that everything was out in the open, they had nothing that they needed to hide from each other.

"If I tell you, I'll have to kill you. Assassin's Creed and all.'

Octavia joked as Aylas started to laugh. 'Damn, he loved her sense of humor.'

"Is that so?"

He teased sd his lips kissed her neck, weakening her already nonexistent resolve. He sucked on her mark, and an almost involuntary moan left her lips. That sound was enough to urge him on in his endeavors.

"Yes, and you're distracting me from answering your question. Well, I was born on August 5, 1995. I lived in the forest as a child with Grandma Mabel for as long as I can remember. I was told that my parents died in a car crash, and now I know that only my mother may have died. I was happy, grew up a child of the forest, and lived in ignorance and bliss until the night my grandmother was murdered. Werewolves took her from me."

Octavia whispered as Atlas continued to kiss her neck as a way to distract her from all the grief she was feeling. She was by far the most fascinating creature he had ever come across. His mind pondered over all the events that led to this moment, and the fact that she could still love him was by far the most amazing of those facts.

"My parents were killed by werewolf hunters."

Atlas said as Octavia leaned into his arms, as he tightened his hold around her, holding her as if she might disappear.

"I know a small part of what happened, Luna-Mia told me you lost your parents, but she didn't know the details. What happened Atlas?"

Octavia asked as Atlas held on to be tighter

"To explain what happened, we would have to start at the beginning."

Atlas said as he took a deep breath and continued.

"The hunters attacked my mother three years ago. I can never forget the date, April 8, 2019. It started like any normal day, the sun was shining, and the breeze was blowing, it was just a perfect day to go for a run, in your wolf form. My mother wanted to go for a run, but Dad felt tired and decided to stay behind and sleep late. So Mom took off and ran the forest trail. But she was the only one there, but by the time she realized the danger and sent out a distressed howl, it was too late. By the time my father made it to her, they had already raped and gutted her from navel to chin. She was buried the same day. And within a few hours, my father was found hanging from an apple tree with a rope. He had hung himself. To this day I can't stomach the taste and smell or look of an apple."

Atlas reflected as he felt her squeeze him, taking him out of his living nightmare, and back to her. Tears fell from his face as the memory seems to engulf him sorry. 'How disgusted she must be to see him so weak?' Atlas thought as he said lotus style, trying to bury his face in his hands. He didn't dare to meet her eyes and see the disgust inside of them.

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