𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕❆

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Gwen woke up in some sort of bed, she slowly sat up while letting out a yawn.

She blinked her eyes open and looked around, she was in some sort of tent. She was confused, until everything came rushing back. The fete, the bar, running from grisha's, Kirigan...

Speak of the devil and they shall appear, in walks Kirigan himself with Ivan at his side.

"You're awake. Just the right timing" Kirigan declared. He walked closer to her and she wanted to move away, but found out that her hands were in grisha cuffs.

Gwen gritted her teeth and glared at him "What am I doing here?"

He ignored her as he began "A little girl growing up in Fjerda, two best friends she calls brothers and her parents, a grisha mother and Fjerdan father. Your mother was a fabrikator and fell in love with your father when she was supposed to capture him, but that is the story of Gwen Frostine and not Snow. There's also a rumour that Gwen Frostine drowned, an ice skating incident" He looked at her for any reaction, but found none "How are you still here?"

"I don't know, I just woke up" Gwen admitted, she looked away as flashbacks invaded her mind.

She felt someone grip her shoulder, she looked up into those haunting dark eyes. He demanded "Tell me."

The feeling of drowning came back with peacefulness, just like it did in the Fold. Her skin turned colder and Kirigan took his hand off of her with a small hiss, his hand was red as the coldness burned his skin.

He looked at her in confusion as her eyes closed, she focused on that feeling again and memories came back to her.

Her father hugged her mother while his own tears appeared, he soothed and tried calming down his wife, but she refused as she broke away from his hold and yelled at him.

Gwen could actually hear what she was yelling this time "No! I will not let my daughter die and if I have to pay the price then I will pay everything I have!"

Her mother walked over to a drawer and grabbed a very used leather notebook. She opened it and searched for something, before walking over to Gwen's body and dropped down beside it, holding Gwen's arm.

Gwen could see her mother whisper some inaudible words, her veins darkened as it traveled from her mother's arm to hers. Gwen felt something change within her, her skin warmed up a bit, but not as warm as it used to be.

Her heart started to beat, but not as fast as a normal one. When she opened her mouth and let out a breath, it was a cold mist that came out of it instead. Her eyes opened as they glowed as white as ice.

Unknown to Gwen, Kirigan was also sucked into the flashback and saw everything

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Unknown to Gwen, Kirigan was also sucked into the flashback and saw everything.

Kirigan put his hand on her neck and face as her eyes stayed closed, he closed his as he put their foreheads against each other. Dark veins traveled from him to her, they went from his hands to her head and throat. Her eyes flew open and connected with his, her eyes turned black. He smirked at her when her eyes closed and she blacked out.

He laid her back down on the bed while looking down at her with a smirk, his plan would work out beautifully now.

Ivan hesitantly cleared his throat "Uhm- W-what are you going to do with her sir?"

"It's already done, now we wait until the transformation is done" Kirigan explained and stood up from the bed.

"Transformation?" Ivan continued to question.

Kirigan just gave him a smirk and walked out of the tent.

__𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫__

Alina was in distraught. Her hand was on the injured Stag as she created a dome of light and her eyes didn't leave Mal's bleeding body, Kirigan stood outside the dome.

He looked at her as he announced "You can't save them, Alina. You may have the power of light, but not the power to heal" He took a step closer and bargained " I know the tracker is important to you. Give me the Stag, and I'll have my Healer save him."

Alina hesitated as Mal protested "No!"

She pleaded with him "Stay still. You've lost too much blood."

Mal discreetly shook his head as he continued to object while holding out a knife "You have to kill it. You have too..."

Kirigan rolled his eyes and glanced elsewhere, he gave a slight nod.

An icicle went through the light shield and impaled Mal's right leg, causing him to scream out in pain.

"Mal!" Alina yelled out in alarm, she looked around trying to find where the ice came from.

Behind of Kirigan walked out a woman. Hair as white as now, eyes glowing a cold light blue while she was wearing a kefta Alina had never seen before. The kefta was a dark blue, almost black, with white flecks on it. The white flecks looked like snow.

"Meet my second in command, Killer Frost" Kirigan announced. Alina glanced at Ivan, he must have not been happy at that, nevertheless Kirigan continued "Now choose Alina, I can have her kill him without a second thought."

Alina looked between Killer frost, who had her arms ready to fire another icicle at Mal, and to Kirigan. She let go of the shield and stag, before rushing towards Mal.

The other grisha's separated the two, Kirigan turned to Frost and ordered "Make sure Ms. Starkov doesn't escape again."

Frost gave him a nod and moved to a struggling Alina, she was being held by Ivan, but even he was having troubles holding onto her. Ivan passed Alina to her without a word and she grabbed Alina tightly, she was stronger then Ivan so Alina didn't even bother trying.

Another grisha punched Mal unconscious and Aline yelled "No! You said you wouldn't hurt him!"

Kirigan just ignored her as he formed the cut and took of the stag's head, everyone fell silent as he ordered David, a durast "Bring me it's antlers."

"You murderer! You stupid fool!" Alina started to yell again, but was ignored yet again.

A Heartrender asked "And the otkazat'sya, sir?"

"I am a man of my word. Heal him. He was only protecting Miss Starkov" Kirigan ordered, before he walked away while sending a look to Frost.

Frost followed after him silently, dragging an struggling Alina with her.

After a while Alina stopped struggling, she now could fully see Frost's face and recognised "Wait-Maradi? Aren't you that Kaelish merchant's daughter?"

Frost didn't respond, causing Alina to huff and try to get her to talk the rest of the way back.

It didn't matter how much she would have tried, Kirigan had ordered her to not talk to Ms. Starkov until he said otherwise. She, of course, would listen to him because he was the one who had saved her...

-𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬- 𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌Where stories live. Discover now