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                                                                                      Craigs POV 

"oh god I can't wait for today to be over!" Clyde sighed as we walked to lunch. after today, we had only one more day until everyone's favourite time of year, summer vacation of course. "ah dude I know, i can't wait for summer to begin" i agreed with clyde. we entered the cafeteria and saw tweek and tolkien already sitting at our usual table "oh hey guys" tolkien waved over at us, we walked over to the table clyde took an empty seat next to tolkien while i sat next to tweek 

"are you guys ready for summer!" clyde said cheerfully while shaking tolkiens are, tolkien laughed at clyde "dude you're way to excited, you know you're just going to spend the summer with Bebe anyway" "yeah dude you abandon us every break to hang out with her we never see you" i sighed agreeing with tolkien "dude not true! i swear ill be there this summer, its basically our last one before college" clyde smiled at us

I hadn't even began to think about college, i have no idea what i want to do with my life never mind what college i want to go to. "thats true" tolkien sighed and looked down at the table, i noticed tweek hadn't said a word since we sat down. "hey tweekster, are you okay?" i ruffled tweeks hair a little and smiled at him "o-oh y-yeh GAH im o-okay, just a-a little distracted" tweek smiled back at me, tweek was my best friend. we told each other everything from the dreams we had to our crushes.. well not, all our crushes but thats beside the point. 

after a while of chatting about what we were going to do this summer the bell rang, we headed out the cafeteria and made our way to our last class of the day, we all had last period together which made me quite happy. we made our way into the class and almost as soon as we opened the door we heard kyle and cartman screaming at each other, this was a natural thing so everybody had learned to just drown out the noise. "SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH CARTMAN!" "AT LEAST IM NOT A STUPID JEW!" i rolled my eyes and sat down at my desk paying no attention to them. our teacher mr garrison walked into the class "alright class take your seats" everyone went silent and sat down at their desks "now class as you know tomorrow is the last day of school before summer vacation so the school is calling half day so everybody will be going home at lunch tomorrow"  mr garrison said with a somewhat cheerful sigh 

we never learned anything in mr garrisons class, he truly was the most useless teacher ive ever met, everyone just sat and spoke amongst themselves i turned to tweek who sat in the desk next to me. he was looking down at his desk and doodling something in his note book, i tried to lean over and see what he was drawing but before i could i felt something his the back of my head. i turned around and looked at clyde who was smirking at me. "dude ive been trying to get your attention for 10 minuets!" clyde mumbled "sorry i didnt hear you, whats up?" i mumbled back to him "we were going to go to starks pond starter school, are you in?" clyde smiled at me "that literally could have been a text you know that right? but yeah im in, ill ask tweek too" i rolled my eyes at clyde and turned around to tweek who was still doodling away, his blonde messy hair had fallen a little in front of his gorgeous green eyes. he looked adorable, again i tried to lean in and see what he was drawing but i couldn't tell what he was drawing because his arm was covering it. "hey tweek, me and the guys are going to starks pond after school. you coming along?" i smiled at tweek, he looked up at me and quickly closed his notebook and shoved it in his back. "GAH- uh, y-yeh i'll come a-along" tweek smiled back at me

class had ended, everyone packed away there things and made there way our of the class. we all made our way home, clyde and tolkien lived on the other side of town so they always walked home together while me and tweek lived next door to each other. "i need to run inside and change then we can go to the pond, sound cool?" i smiled at tweek and looked down at him. hes a little shorter then i am which just made him so much cuter. "u-uh GAH, y-yeh sound g-good" tweek smiled back at me. i gave tweek and quick hug then walked into my house where i was greeted by my dad who was sitting on the sofa with my little sister. "ah craig, how was school? and have you picked any colleges yet?" i sighed at my dads question about college, i didnt like to think about the future, it really freaked me out. "yeah school was good, and yeh ive given it some thought but nothing concrete yet" i lied obviously "okay son but you need to start taking this seriously" i sighed again and made my way up to my room, i took my phone out of my pocket and noticed my group chat with tweek, clyde, and tolkien had been messaged by tweek 

                                                                             The Cool Guys GC   

tweekster : heY guys, i cant make it tonight i have to wOrk

Me : yeah me neither guys my dad wants me to stay home, tomorrow?

i lied, i felt kind of bad for lying but in all honestly, i didnt want to go without tweek. all clyde and tolkien ever done was talk about Bebe and what ever poor girl tolkien was trying to sleep with. i decided to lay on my bed, i couldn't stop thinking about tweek. so i got up and made my way to 'tweak bros coffee' 

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