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Craigs POV

i sat on the bed with my head in my hand, i was shaking alot.. i was hoping and preying that clyde hadnt said anything to tweek after i left the room, that was the one part of my life i wanted control over.. after a couple minuets of sitting along i heard foot steps in the hall followed by a light knock on the bedroom door. "C-craig.. a-are you okay?" i heard tweek ask softly from the hall way before he pushed the door open slowly, i looked up at him and sniffled a little "yeh im okay.." i wiped my eyes with my hoodie sleeve and tweek came and sat next to me. he lay his head on my shoulder "im here for you c-craig" i looked down at him, he looked so perfect sitting with his head on my shoulder.. his blonde hair fell over his eyes a little.. in that moment i knew i wanted to tell him everything.

"tweek.. i need to tell you something?" he sat up and looked at me with a loving smile, "o-of c-course craig". 'okay, here it goes..' i thought to myself before i opened my mouth to tell tweek how i felt 

"tweek.. youre my best friend and you have been since the 4th grade. i wouldnt do anything to change that.. trust you with my whole life but, there was one thing i felt like i couldnt tell you and i really have no clue why.." i slowed down my breathing, looked into tweeks aye and took tweeks hand in mine "tweek.. i love you.. ive been in love with you for the last  7 years, when i think about my future you are who i see myself marrying, buying a house with, having kids with and growing old with.. i love you tweek.." i started to tear up and looked down at the floor, i was truly expecting the worst.. tweek held onto my hand and put his free hand on my cheek, i looked up at him and noticed he was smiling. i gave him a quick smile back before he leaned in and kissed me. after a couple seconds he pulled away from the kiss, looked up at me and said the 5 words i was dying to hear..

"i love you too Craig"

after a couple seconds our lips collided once again, i melted into the kiss. being with tweek truly felt right, i cant believe i never had the courage to tell him before. out slow kisses quickly turned into passionate making out, we both pulled away to catch our breath. "do, um, do you want to come back to my place..?" i asked tweek in a calm tone. he didnt say anything, he just smiled and nodded rather quickly. we grabbed our bags and made out way down stairs 

"hey guys! where you going?" kyle asked us looking confused and also concerned. "oh um, i- we- um.." i was having trouble coming up with an excuse but luckly tweek spoke up and said something "m-my m-mom called and said she wanted m-me home and craig offered to walk me home". "okay? craig are you coming back?" kyle glanced over to me "uh i think im just going to stay home guys, sorry." i smiled at everyone and waved good bye while tweek done the same. we walked out tolkiens front door and headed up the path towards my house. 


Tweeks POV

Craig and i walked back to his place, seeing as his parents were out of town we both kind of thought it would be better then sitting in tolkiens home with the thought of people listening to our conversations or at my home and dealing with my parents. we reached craigs home, he held my hand as we walked up the pathway to his front door. we stepped inside and dumped out bags down on the floor next to the sofa, i had been inside craigs home hundreds of times but this time it just felt so weird.. but it was a good kind of weird. like what ever was going to happen, was meant to happen..

after we put our bags down craig walked over to me and started kissing me, be placed his hands on my waist and held on like he never wanted to let me go. i placed my hands on the side of his face and kissed him harder. craig slowly moved his hands down from my waist to the back of my thighs, he pulled away from the kiss, placed his head on my shoulder and lifted me up off the ground. he kissed me again placing my back against the wall, i wrapped my legs around his waist. craig started slowly kissing down my neck, he moved my away from the wall and sat down on the sofa with me on his lap. he moved his hand up my body and removed the zip up hoodie i was wearing. 

i wont lie, i was really turned on. however i didnt want things to go any further than kissing and some touching.. i had never done anything like this before and i didnt want to dive right into the deep end right away. he pushed his hands through my hair before placing his hands on my lower back picking me up and carrying me up stairs to his room. he lay me down on his bed, after that i was really to give the whole im not ready speech but then, he climed on top of me, gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and cuddled into me. he was the perfect man, the one person i wanted to spend the rest of my life with

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