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Craigs POV

it was finally the end of the school day, i didnt have any of the guys in my last period of the day so i was alone in class. i did have my friend stan to talk to during so i wasnt completely alone, stan and i had also been friends since the 4th grade. he mostly hung around with kyle, kenny and cartman. kenny and kyle were okay enough to put up with but cartman was a pure asshole. i packed away my things and made my way to the front of the school, tweek, clyde and tolkien were already outside waiting on me. "DUDE FINALLY!!" clyde shouted cheerfully "and now that tucker is here, summer has officially began!" clyde continued, quieter this time around, he wrapped his arms around both mine and tweeks shoulders "you guys are definitely going to be there tonight right?" clyde asked eagerly. "yeah dude of course!" i laughed at him, "y-yeh, i-i asked my d-dad and i dont need to work until n-next w-weekend" tweek smiled at us all 

i walked home with tweek while clyde and tolkien walked the other way, tonigth was the night i was going to tell tweek either how i felt, or about my sexuality.. which ever came out first i guess. "hey tweek.. do you maybe want to come in and help me grab my stuff?" i looked down at the ground 'help me grab my stuff?? am i fucking 5??' i thought to myself "u-uh sure" tweek smiled up at me, we walked into my house. i was shocked to see there was no one home, then i noticed a note on the coffee table

 'son, your mother, sister and i have decided to take a little trip to denver! we will be back next saturday and we left you $200 for the week' 

i sighed placing the note back down on the coffe table and walking towards the stairs, "c-craig? a-are you okay?" tweek asked me in a concerned type of voice. "huh? oh yeah my parents and sister decided to take a trip to the city so looks like im by myself for a week" i smiled at tweek "w-well, n-not by yourself.. y-you have m-me" tweek smiled then started looking down at the ground "aw thats sweet, thank you tweek" i started blushing hard. i turned to head up stairs to my room, tweek stayed down stairs and waited for me. i quickly packed my bag, headed down stairs and grabbed the money that was on the coffee table, i sighed then turned to tweek "ready to go?" i smiled at him, tweek smiled back at me and nodded gently. we headed out of my home before heading to tweeks home so he could grab his stuff for tonight 

we were greeted by tweeks mom who was placing down some plates on the disning table "oh hello boys, would you like some dinner before you head off?" mrs tweak spoke calmly while smiling at us "oh no thank you mrs tweek" both tweek and myself smiled at his mom before tweek headed up stairs to glab his things 

"craig honey, look after tweek tonight will you? he seems so comfortable around you, i know youll keep him safe" tweeks mom smiled at me from the dining table "of course mrs tweak, i'll take care of him" i smiled back at here then heard tweek walking down stairs. tweek smiled at me, i thought about what his mom said, ive seen tweek around other kids around the school. hes always so nervious and jittery around other people but never around me. "r-ready?" tweek smiled, i felt myself starting to turn red "ready" i smiled back and him. i opened his front door for us to leave "have fun boys!" tweeks mom shouted to us "w-we will m-mom!" tweek shouted back to his mom before stepping out the door 

after a while of walking we had reached tolkiens home, i knocked on the door and waited for tolkien to answer. "hey guys come in, you know you dont have to knock right?" tolkien laughed as he welcomed us inside "ah i know but its polite" i sighed making our way into tolkiens living room

Tweeks POV

craig and i sat in tolkiens living room waiting for our room to be ready, i knew craig and i would have to share a room. we always did when we spent the night here but for some reason i felt more nervous than usual.. it was a strange feeling, i felt different towards craig.. id never felt this way towards him before. im sure its just a little crush 

"okay guys your rooms ready" tolkien smiled while walking into the living room, "okay thanks dude" craig smiled back at tolkien before standing up. we headed up stairs and made our way to the room, now usually the room we shared had 2 single begs so it wasnt weird between me and craig. but this time there was a king bed 'GAH WHAT! TOO MUCH PRESSURE' i thought to myself. ccraig and i were going to share a bed.. oh god. "hey um, ill take the floor tonight tweek down worry" craig smiled at me and placing his bag down on the floor "n-no.. i-its okay c-craig" i smiled back, i felt my face turning red. i placed my bag next to craigs and we headed back down stairs 

"oh i completely forgot to mention, i invited stan, kenny and kyle to hang out tonight too" tolkien spoke up while walking out of the kitchen with some snacks "o-o GAH okay" i twitched a little and i felt craigs hand on my shoulder "no problem dude" craig smiled at tolkien while clyde set up a speaker for some music. after around half an hour of us sitting in the living room chatting away there was a knock at the door followed by stans voice "whats up guys!" he yelled walking into the living room fallowed by kyle and kenny who were holding a case of beer each. "aw fuck yes!" clyde shouted excitedly taking the beers away from kenny and kyle and placing them next to tolkiens coffee table. stan opened the beers and handed them around the circle. "so what do you guys want to do first?" craig asked looking around at everyone "i was thinking truth or dare?" kyle smirked at everyone "hell yeah! aw dude this is gonna be awesome!" clyde exclaimed opening hid beer and taking a drink 

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