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Craigs POV

after a while the cases of beer were almost empty, there were 3 beers left and they were shared betweek stan, clyde and myself. i was staring at tweek, lost in his eyes, his beautiful green eyes- "dude! craig!" kyle yelled at me from across the circle "huh?" i slurred my speech a little, i was quite tipsy but not overly drunk to the point where i didnt know what i was saying or doing. "truth or dare?" kyle asked me "oh um, dare" i shot him a little smile and took a sip of my beer, "hmm, i dare you to kiss tweek" kyle chucked and fell over a little leaning on stan who was sitting next to him. "i- i um.." i looked down at the floor then felt tweeks hand on mine, almost as soon as i looked up at him he leaned in and gave me a light kiss. once tweek pulled away i felt myself turning red and hot, he kissed me

"dude craig are you okay?" kenny asked me looking concerned, "i- uh, yeh im going to go get some water.." i stoon up and made my way to the kitchen. i grabbed a glass and filled it up with water taking a sit before resting my hands on the counter and sighing. "are you okay man?" i heard behind me, i turned around to see clyde standing with a beer in his hand "yeh im okay, i just.." i started to say before clyde jumped in "panicked?" he asked placing a hand on my shoulder "yeah, i guess so" i chuckled a little leaning back againts the counter and taking another drink of water. clyde patted me on the shoulder before heading back into the living room and joining the other guys 

Tweeks POV 

clyde joined us back in the living room "i-is c-craig okay?? i- i didn't mean to make him uncomfortable.." i was a little tipsy making me slur my speech a little "tweek you didnt make him uncomfortable, he just needed some water" clyde gave a little smile. a couple minuets later craig walked back into the living room and sat back down in his spot next to me. we continued playing and drinking. we finished off our beers so tolkien grabbed a bottle of vodka out of his parents cabinet so we also continued drinking, after a while everyone was really drunk. i kept leaning over and resting my head on craigs shoulder, he put his arm around me. before i knew it clyde was asking craig "truth or dare?" clyde mumbled while smirking at craig "dare!" craig said while resting his head on top of mine

"oh dude, you did not want to do that" clyde laughed before continuing "i dare you, to tell tweek what you told me the other night?" everyone turned to look at clyde, then at craig. craigs face was bright red.. he sat up and looked at me "i-i-i-.. um.." craig stuttered and i could tell his eyes were starting to water "l-look you dont need to tell me anything.." i placed my hand on his shoulder before he stood up "im.. im going to go to bed.." he sniffled a little while saying so and he made his way up to the room we were sharing. we all sat for a while continuing the game.. i felt bad for craig but i couldnt help but wonder what he told clyde and wouldnt tell me.. 

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